How to rinse ears at home?

Ear washing is performed in the following cases:

Having decided to conduct an uncomplicated medical procedure on your own, you must first familiarize yourself with the recommendations on how to wash your ears at home. It is important to take into account that without an assistant you will not be able to make a high-quality washing.

How to properly wash the ear?

To wash your ears you need a small syringe with a hard tip or a large medical syringe without a needle, and a tray or bowl. To wash the ear from the cork at home, preparing water with a temperature close to the temperature of the human body, or 3% hydrogen peroxide. In the case when the sulfuric cork has hardened, and also when penetrating into the ear passage of an insect, it will be useful for Vaseline or any vegetable oil, slightly warmed up in a water bath. With inflammation of the inner parts of the ear, you can use infusion of chamomile, calendula, celandine or a weak disinfectant solution, for example, furatsilina.


  1. The patient sits in a chair and tilts his head sideways.
  2. If a liquid intended for rinsing is injected into the syringe or syringe, air bubbles should be removed by slightly pressing the syringe or sliding the syringe piston.
  3. The tip is inserted into the ear approximately 1 cm and a small amount of a drug solution or water is poured into the ear passage by a trickle.
  4. After that, the person turns his head so that out of the rinsed ear the liquid flows out into the tray.
  5. At the end of the procedure, the ear canal is dried with a sterile cotton swab.

If necessary, similar actions are taken with the second ear. If at one time to get rid of the sulfur plug is not possible, the manipulation is repeated after 30 minutes.