Why are your hands numb, how to find the cause and quickly remove it?

To find out why the hands grow dumb, sooner or later all adult people aspire. According to statistics, everyone who has crossed the 35-year mark, and half that have not reached this age, faces this problem. In some cases, only fingers become numb, in others - brushes. In serious situations, medical intervention is required.

Numbness of the hands causes

The leakage can be temporary or be periodically repeated. If your hands grow dumb, the reason for this is often:

Nemet right hand causes

There are many reasons that cause brushing and loss of sensitivity. That's why the right arm grows numb:

In addition, the right arm is numb in the pathology of the spine. Often the fault is osteochondrosis , arthritis and intervertebral hernia. And, the first pathological condition includes a whole complex of problems. They are inextricably linked with metabolic processes in the bones and cartilaginous tissue of the spine. When the vertebrae are deformed, the roots of the spinal nerves are squeezed, which causes numbness and other unpleasant sensations.

The situation when both limbs (upper and lower) located on the right side of the trunk are considered to be much dangerous. That's why the arms and legs go numb in this case:

Numbness of the left arm causes

Unpleasant sensations can be caused by a whole complex of causes. More often it is a disease. Why the left arm grows dumb:

  1. Angina pectoris is a pathological condition in which, in addition to the flowing of the forearm and hand, there is a heaviness in the chest and difficulty breathing.
  2. Myocardial infarction (numbness of the hand is sometimes the only symptom-precursor of trouble).
  3. Atherosclerosis - because of the narrowing of the arteries, the blood supply to the heart and left hand is impaired.
  4. Stroke of the brain - when the right hemisphere is affected, there is numbness of the left arm and leg, speech disturbance and partial loss of vision.
  5. Thrombosis - while swelling of the brush there is swelling of the tissues and there is a growing pain intensity.
  6. Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine - the sensitivity of the skin is broken, the arm grows numb.
  7. Deficiency of vitamins A and B - with vitamin deficiency, the integrity of the envelopes of nerve fibers is violated, which leads to a loss of tissue sensitivity.

Why do your fingers become numb?

More often such unpleasant sensation serves as a sign of a serious disease. When fingers are numb, the area of ​​leakage is an important factor. Unpleasant sensations can occur both on one, and simultaneously on several fingers. All these points are taken into account in determining the reason for provocation. Numbness of the fingers can have such a localization area:

  1. The thumb - such unpleasant sensations are more often associated with the syndrome of the carpal canal. It is often provoked by excessive stress on the wrist joint. Sometimes the thumbs on both hands can simultaneously dumb. This phenomenon indicates that the cervical spine has been displaced.
  2. The index finger is a sign that a person has pathologies of the nervous system. Simultaneously with this unpleasant sensation of the patient, pain and stiffness of movement can be disturbed. If the index, middle and big fingers grow dumb, it is a question of osteochondrosis. In addition, there may be increased fatigue, dizziness and pressure jumps.
  3. The middle finger is a sign that there is an intensive destruction of the elbow joint.
  4. An unnamed finger - uncomfortable sensations can be caused by squeezing the elbow joint. If the time does not respond, the probability of atrophy of the carpal muscles is high.
  5. Little finger - if this finger is numb, this is an alarming symptom, which can not be ignored. More often it indicates an impending stroke .

Numbness of fingertips

This uncomfortable feeling can be accompanied by such symptoms:

If your hands go numb (fingertips), this is a sign of such problems:

Nemeti hands at night - the reasons

This uncomfortable sensation during sleep is not uncommon. If your fingers become numb, the reasons for this are:

  1. An inconvenient pillow is used. It is important to consider its size and density. If the pillow is too high and stiff, a crook may appear in the cervical spine, because of which blood circulation is disturbed. It is better to change it to a soft one and a lower one. The ideal option is an orthopedic pillow or special roller.
  2. Incorrect body arrangement. It is important to understand why the hands grow numb during sleep and how to prevent this situation. Unnatural posture often provokes the appearance of an unpleasant sensation.

Numbness of the hands - reasons

Discomfort is caused by a whole complex of problems. Numbness of the hands is provoked by the following factors:

  1. Smoking - tar present in tobacco smoke and other harmful substances adversely affect the state of the vessels. Those become brittle, non-plastic. Blood flows through them with great difficulty - that's why your hands go numb. In the future this may even lead to the development of gangrene.
  2. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages - for those who suffer from alcoholism, sensitivity and touch are broken. They can suffer coordination of movement, arms grow numb.
  3. Overweight - obesity provokes a metabolic disorder, affects the blood flow. As a result, fingers and palms become numb. A sedentary lifestyle exacerbates the problem.

Sore and numb hands

This condition can be observed in young as well as in older age. More often the numbness of the hands begins with a slight tingling in the fingers. Then, the uncomfortable sensation spreads to the palm of your hand and smoothly moves to the brush. Often, pregnant women face this type of problem. It is important to understand why the hands go numb and the brushes hurt the women during the period of bearing the baby. Most often this is for the following reasons:

Nemyut hands - what to do?

If the problem passes by itself, nothing to do is unnecessary. Another thing, when often there is numbness of hands - treatment here is simply necessary. If such unpleasant sensations are observed for a long time, it is recommended to seek professional medical help as soon as possible. Cope with the numbness will help the following specialists:

If the foot becomes numb at the same time as the hand, vision deteriorates, speech disappears and convulsions occur, immediately call an ambulance. After hospitalization, the patient will be advised to undergo a comprehensive examination, presented by such procedures:

Medication for numbness of hands

When choosing a drug, the doctor takes into account the reasons that triggered this unpleasant sensation, and the general condition of the patient. If the problem is neurological, these medications are often prescribed:

Another reason why your hands often go numb is associated with vascular diseases. To facilitate the patient's condition, these drugs are drunk:

Remove the unpleasant sensation will help ointment from numb fingers. More often these drugs are prescribed:

Folk remedies for numbness of hands

Under the supervision of a doctor, "drugs" of alternative medicine can be used. If the hands become numb, treatment is carried out with the help of such means:

  1. Warming lotion, for the preparation of which take 60 ml of ammonia, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and 5 drops of camphor alcohol. The components are mixed until a uniform consistency is obtained and rubbed into the affected joints. In addition, you can make warming compresses.
  2. An anti-inflammatory drug that is made from pumpkin and wheat germ. A small piece of pulp is cooked until ready, then crushed in puree, add 1 tbsp. spoon of wheat germ. The ingredients are mixed. The composition is applied to a numb hand, covered with polyethylene on top and wrapped in a blanket. Keep such a compress you need 40-50 minutes.
  3. Contrasting trays, keep in each of which you need 2-3 minutes of hands. The recommended frequency of such procedures is 4 times a day.

Massage with numb hands

This manipulation helps to minimize discomfort. Treatment for numbness of hands with massage includes the following manipulations:

Exercises with numb hands

Such a complex will help improve blood circulation, remove pain and other uncomfortable sensations. In addition, gymnastics prevents stagnation and prevents numbness. All exercises should be properly selected, otherwise instead of alleviating the condition there will be an aggravation. Numbness and tingling of the hands helps to remove such a complex of exercises:

  1. Slow turning of the head from one shoulder to the other.
  2. You need to spread your hands in the sides, and then tap on the opposite shoulder joints.
  3. Walking around the room on socks.
  4. Compression of the hands into fists and rotation of them in different directions.