Superficial gastritis - symptoms, treatment

Superficial gastritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa and an increase in its secretory function. This is one of the varieties of chronic gastritis. This ailment is easily diagnosed and with timely treatment does not cause significant harm to the body.

Symptoms of superficial gastritis

Superficial gastritis has such a name, since during this disease only the surface layer of the gastric mucosa is damaged. The first sign of this disease is pain. It is pronounced and can be different: from tolerable in the right hypochondrium to acute and cramping. There is pain, usually after eating. Also the symptoms of superficial gastritis are:

Some patients have diarrhea, unpleasant taste in the mouth and increased salivation or, conversely, dry mouth. In chronic superficial gastritis, along with these symptoms, there is a sensation of squeezing in the stomach and a decrease in blood pressure.

Treatment of superficial gastritis

To appoint the right treatment, the doctor is not enough to know all the symptoms of superficial gastritis, which are manifested in the patient. It is necessary to pass and a number of examinations, the main of which is fibrogastroduodenoscopy. Diagnosis provides complete information on the condition of the mucosa. If it is practically intact, then the patient has to give up bad habits and observe a rational diet. In this case, it is also permitted to treat surface gastritis with folk remedies. This can be done with the help of broths of burdock root, potato juice and white cabbage.

Protect from acid exposure and restore the mucous membrane can be by taking a decoction of flaxseed. I use it in the treatment of superficial gastritis, as flaxseed forms mucus, which promotes the rapid healing of mild inflammation. Such a decoction is made from 5 g of seed and 200 ml of water:

  1. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes.
  2. After cooling, drink 1 tbsp. before eating.

To relieve pain and eliminate other symptoms, antibiotics and medications will be prescribed to reduce the acidity of gastric juice. For medicinal treatment of superficial gastritis, Metronidazole is used in combination with Clarithromycin or Amoxicillin in combination with Clarithromycin. To reduce the acidity of gastric juice are prescribed:

To stop strong eructations and heartburn, you can apply Fosfalugel or Gaviscon. In some patients with superficial gastritis, irritability and increased nervousness are observed. These conditions slow the recovery. With such a disease, they must be eliminated with sedatives and tranquilizers.

Diet with superficial gastritis

During treatment of chronic superficial gastritis, a special diet should be observed. The patient should be deleted:

It is recommended to eat boiled meat and poultry, as well as rabbit meat. You can eat:

In the treatment of superficial antral gastritis, care should be taken to ensure that the temperature of the dishes is not lower than 15 ° C and not higher than 60 ° C, since this can cause severe irritation of the mucosa. The daily volume of food should not exceed 3 kg.