Supraventricular extrasystole

Extrasystoles are violations of the normal heart rhythm. Supraventricular extrasystole is one of the varieties of the problem. It is characterized by the appearance of extraordinary cardiac contractions, the focus of which is located above the ventricles - in the upper atria.

Causes of supraventricular extrasystole

In simple and understandable language, supraventricular extrasystole is an arrhythmia. From the usual failure it differs only in the location of the focus of extraordinary impulses, but of course it is impossible for the patient to feel this alone.

The causes of the problem can be very diverse. Moreover, it affects the extrasystole and those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, and absolutely healthy people. The list of factors predisposing to supraventricular extrasystole includes the following:

How to recognize frequent supraventricular extrasystole?

Unlike most other diseases of the cardiovascular system, supraventricular extrasystole may be asymptomatic. More precisely, certain signs of the problem, of course, are manifested, but very often patients do not pay attention to them.

To diagnose the same supraventricular ventricular extrasystole, it is possible for such symptoms:

Diagnosis and treatment of supraventricular extrasystole

To avoid possible negative consequences of the disease - and supraventricular extrasystole threatens to develop into cardiac insufficiency or atrial fibrillation - immediately after the appearance of the first alarming symptoms it is desirable to consult a cardiologist.

It is only possible to make an accurate diagnosis after a comprehensive examination. The latter must necessarily include urine and blood tests, electrophysiological studies. Without fail, with frequent supraventricular extrasystole should be done ECG. This will help to notice even the most insignificant changes in the heart rate.

Treatment of the problem is selected individually, but in most cases, preference is given to conservative methods. If the extrasystole is single, it can be cured by simply observing a healthy rhythm of life: often walking outdoors, sleeping, not overexerting. Very useful for the body at the same time will be a special diet that completely excludes all fatty, fried, salted and overly spicy food. Sometimes, special preparations are used to combat arrhythmia.

Surgical treatment is prescribed only when all the above methods are powerless. Specialists can perform either an open surgery, or radiofrequency ablation. These treatments are preferred for young patients.