Hives - Causes

Urticaria is a fairly common disease among all age groups. It can take place in an acute form and is accompanied by other allergic manifestations - Quinck's edema, runny nose, lacrimation, etc.

This is not a dangerous, but quite unpleasant disease that can take a chronic form.

Hives are accompanied by:

  1. Local reddening and flushing of the skin.
  2. Itching.
  3. If the disease manifested itself on large areas of the body, it can contribute to a rise in temperature.
  4. Combing redness leads to more pronounced swelling.

The causes of urticaria on the body can act a variety of violations in the body: from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and ending with hormonal imbalance.

As a rule, the true cause of urticaria is difficult to find, because here in most cases several adverse factors combine at once.

Causes of urticaria in adults

The causes of urticaria in adults are the same as in children's urticaria : there are no age characteristics of what leads to the disease.


Initially, it is worth noting that urticaria, as a rule, occurs in those whose ancestors were prone to allergies. In the manifestation of this disease, the peculiarities of the reaction of the organism play an important role, and if the genetic memory contains information on such a skin reaction, it is most likely that under appropriate conditions urticaria will also occur in offspring.


Among the main reasons for the appearance of urticaria should be noted violations in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, if the liver, as a natural filter, does not cope with the processing of toxins, then naturally, the body will gradually be poisoned, and this, with hereditary predisposition, will lead to urticaria.

Another problem that causes hives is permanent constipation .

If these problems are the true cause of hives, then a few weeks after their correction (depending on the ability of the body to recover) skin rashes will stop.


Hormonal disorders may also be one of the main causes of urticaria. In the nature of autoimmune diseases, there are antibodies that release histamine, which causes allergies. Therefore, the category of drugs for allergies is called antihistamine.

The main role in the formation of blisters is played by histamine, which is one of the links in the immune system.


Also, hives can occur due to the penetration of bacteria into the body. An inadequate immune response to them in this case suggests that you need to correct the immune system.


Worms can also cause hives due to toxins that they leave behind.

Why does urticaria occur in the absence of internal disease?

When the work of all organs was tested and the analyzes showed no abnormalities, the question arises: why does hives occur? This situation is not uncommon - idiopathic urticaria doctors claim very often, in more than 40% of cases.

But such a diagnosis suggests that the situation is not fully assessed, and it is necessary to continue searching for the cause. Fortunately, in the majority of such cases it is not necessary to go far enough - you just need to watch yourself and look at your diet and first aid kit - what medicines and products were taken at that time (or on the eve) when hives first appeared.

Hives on nerves

Some specialists attribute hives to psycho-somatic diseases for some reason. This means that only it costs a person to be nervous, so soon any illness starts (in this case - a skin rash). The organism is a whole system, where each link is connected with each other. The brain sends information to the organs about the desired reaction, and they begin to activate the corresponding area, causing the body to respond to the "request" of the brain: hormones and other substances are released. And if a person has psychological problems, and he is constantly nervous, expressing bright negative emotions, then this can lead to active development of histamine and other substances, and as a result, urticaria develops.

Poisoning with medicines and food ingredients

In the form of urticaria can be expressed as intolerance to certain substances, and the satiety of their body.