Cleaning the chakras

Man is a complex energy structure. The basis here is seven chakras. They are located in a strictly designated place and have their names.

The names of the seven human chakras

  1. The first chakra is Muladhara.
  2. The second is Svadhistana.
  3. The third is Manipura.
  4. The fourth one is Anahata.
  5. The fifth is Vishudha.
  6. The sixth is Ajna.
  7. The seventh - Sahasrara.

People very often turn to the help of healers, psychics, sorcerers, so that they are removed from damage or the evil eye. But these are magical programs that an energetically strong person who knows cosmic laws can quite deliver.

In order to remove these programs, you need to clean the chakras. There are special exercises with which you can remove any energy programs.

Each of the seven human chakras is associated with certain organs. That is why, if the chakra is damaged, the organs to which it adjoins become ill. Energy is accumulated in the chakras. Their work creates an energy shell - a kind of cocoon. In the event that this shell is strong, glows brightly, a person feels absolutely healthy. In this case, the chakra becomes a small energy vortex. If it is hit, it becomes dull and closes. A person works on other people with chakras, in the same way, there is a perception of any external influence.

Energy cleansing of chakras is very important for a person. So you can improve your health, recharge your cheerfulness, energy.

Cleaning the chakras with a candle

You sit on a chair, your legs do not cross, your hands are palms up. Cosmoenerget takes a burning church candle in his right hand and slowly makes circular motions clockwise above your head, reading the prayer "Our Father". At the same time, his left hand is clenched into a fist.

When you hear the crackling of a candle, it means that it burns dirt in the area of ​​the chakra column. This method is used for general cleaning of chakras from pollution. After such a procedure, you calm down, you want to sleep, there is peace and warmth throughout the body.

In addition, it is possible to clean the chakras with hands, which is also very useful for a person and his body. So, there is such a method as cleaning each chakra with a hand and a candle. In this case, cosmoenergette holds a candle in the left hand, and the right sends energy from the hand through the candle to your chakra. The process continues until the candle stops crackling and smelling.

Remove the evil eye, damage, gain strength will help meditation cleansing chakras. With her help you will feel again healthy and vigorous, full of strength and energy.