Yellow feces in the dog

Tracking the quality of a pet's stool is the responsibility of every master. Only in this way you will be able to notice violations in time and help them. Unfortunately, the dog itself can not complain of abdominal pain and poor health. So, you need to proceed from what it can give you for diagnosis.

Possible causes of yellow stool in dogs

If the dog has a liquid feces of yellow color, this is most likely related to nutrition. Too fatty food leads to digestive disorders and, as a consequence, to a change in color and consistency of stool. Do not often pamper the dog with fat "yummies", cottage cheese, butter, etc. If you remove unwanted foods from the diet, and the situation does not change, you need to contact the veterinarian.

Another, more serious cause, directly resulting from the first (malnutrition), is associated with impaired liver and pancreatic functions. Probably, the dog develops chronic pancreatitis , which is lethargic, or fermentation dyspepsia. If in addition to the yellow color, feces have a sharp acidic odor, this only confirms the diagnosis.

Pungent yellow feces, in which there are obvious pieces of undigested food, it has an acidic smell, defecation occurs more than 2 times a day - this indicates a categorically incorrect diet.

If the dog feces are bright yellow, but formed, and not liquid, it can talk about diseases of the large intestine, as well as helminthic invasion. Sometimes even the naked eye can be seen in the stool of parasites . In this case, the yellow feces of the dog are accompanied by mucus or a mixture of mucus and blood.

On the proper nutrition of dogs

Basically, all the causes of yellowing of the stool are initially associated with the systematic inadequate feeding of the dog. A big mistake is to try to turn a predator from nature into a vegetarian. The digestive system of the dog is adapted for digesting meat, so it must necessarily be present in the diet.

You do not need to feed the dog with some porridge and vegetables, low-quality proteins with cartilage, tendons and other connective tissue, fat, and vegetable protein, which is not digested in the digestive tract of the dog. Such an unnecessary burden on the liver, which tends to suppress the processes of fermentation in the stomach, gradually leads to the development of diseases.