Preparations of iron for anemia

The composition of hemoglobin - an important compound that carries oxygen in the body, includes iron. When this micronutrient deficiency develops, various symptoms result from tissue hypoxia. For successful therapy of pathology, iron preparations are prescribed for anemia of the appropriate type. When choosing such a tool, it is important to pay attention not only to efficacy, but also the safety of medications.

Effective iron preparations for the treatment of anemia

There are 2 types of described drugs - based on 2-valent and 3-valent iron. The latter is more similar to the natural compound (ferritin), so its use is preferable. Such drugs are well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and do not lead to an overdose. Moreover, the sizes of ferric iron molecules do not have a pro-oxidant effect, which is also an advantage. The most prescribed compound today is the hydroxide of polymaltose. It has a number of advantages:

In addition to the composition, it is recommended to pay attention to the form of release of medications. Typically, these drugs are well absorbed in the intestines, and many doctors prefer to use drugs for oral use (capsules, chewable tablets, drops, syrup). In some cases, especially in the acute form of anemia, it is advisable to purchase solutions for intramuscular injection.

It is important to remember that treatment should be done through special medications, not vitamin complexes or biologically active additives, even if they contain iron. The daily dose of a microelement in such drugs is much lower than the required dose (80-100 mg).

Names of iron-containing drugs in case of anemia

Modern drugs based on 2-valent iron:

Preparations based on 3-valent iron:

To assimilate the iron contained in these medicines, they add acids, usually - ascorbic, folic , fumaric. In addition, they can use cyanocobalamin, nicotinamide, cysteine, yeast, fructose, lysine, protein, mucoprotease.

Considering the high concentration of the microelement, several rules should be followed during the treatment of iron deficiency anemia:

  1. Do not take concomitant medications that help reduce iron absorption (calcium, antacids, tetracyclines, levomycitin).
  2. To use additionally enzymes (Festal, Pangrol, Mezim) and substances that increase the production of hemoglobin (copper, cobalt, vitamins A, E, B1, C, B6);
  3. Drink tablets between meals to ensure maximum absorption of iron.

Names of the best iron preparations for anemia

In the course of laboratory studies, it was found that the most effective means are:

However, the tolerability of the latter two is much better, although the results achieved after therapy remain longer when using Ferroplex.