How to get a grease on the head?

Wen can appear almost anywhere in the body. One of the favorite places for the location of subcutaneous thickening of adipose tissue is the head. Although zhiroviki are not dangerous to health, they cause certain inconveniences, especially if they are located on the scalp. Recommendations on how to get a wen on your head, no doubt, will interest people with this problem.

Methods for removing lipomas

In rare cases, small lipomas dissolve independently. Usually, in order to remove the adipose on the head, you should consult a specialist or apply one of the methods of traditional medicine.

Effective methods for medical removal of benign education are:

  1. Surgical excision, performed under anesthesia in the presence of a large lipoma.
  2. Endoscopic removal, which consists in "scooping up" fat tissue through the incision, the surgeon monitors the course of the process, receiving information through a miniature video camera, introduced with the endoscope.
  3. The effect of laser, leading to the destruction of tumor tissue. Remove the fat on the head with a laser can very quickly, the patient thus does not experience painful sensations, but in rare cases the particles of the capsule may remain inside, and, hence, a relapse is possible.

Patients who do not wish to undergo surgical intervention would like to know how to remove the adipose on the head without surgery. Such a method exists! When it is applied through a puncture with the help of a needle, a pharmacological preparation is introduced, which resolves the adipose tissue. To get rid of a large lipoma, a similar procedure is performed - liposuction, in which the contents of the formation are pumped out through the needle.

Folk Ways to Remove a Wen

A small wen of a head can be removed at home. For this purpose, daily compresses are made with aloe juice, golden mustache , calanchoe, celandine. Applicants are also used from therapeutic clay, onion and garlic mush.