The tongue hurts

As you know, there are several main reasons that can cause pain in the tongue. They are so diverse that it will not be easy to talk about it in a few words. But try to consider the main factors that can affect the occurrence of a pain in the language.

Many patients at a doctor's appointment ask what to do in case the language hurts. After all, there can be many reasons for this, respectively, and the way out of the situation too.

The language is sick - the main reasons

So, to the main reasons that the language hurts, we will refer:

The tip of my tongue hurts

Now let's take a closer look at why the language hurts, and whether to resort to treatment. If the patient hurts the tip, edge or sides of the tongue, this is most likely to indicate the same mechanical damage. Basically, such damage occurs during meals. In this case we get microtraumas of the language for the following reasons:

If the tip of the tongue hurts, then do not immediately sound an alarm, because the reason may be an accidental bite of the tongue or its burn, characterized as a mini trauma. This is the most common cause of this problem. Such traumas bring a number of unpleasant sensations, but pass by themselves without any treatment. But in the case of inflammatory diseases, such as: glossary, glossitis and stomatitis, one should resort to medical treatment.

It hurts under the tongue

In inflammatory diseases, pain is localized at the base of the tongue. As a result, it hurts under the tongue. Such pain can be concentrated both in one place and move along the oral cavity.

The reason for this may be:

Abscess or phlegmon is a serious cause of the disease of the tongue. It is accompanied by severe pain, while there are problems with the closure of the mouth. The main symptoms of this disease are abundant salivation, bad breath and swelling of the tongue.

The base of the tongue

If the base of the tongue hurts, and the abovementioned diseases are the cause, the doctor should be consulted immediately, because if the tongue hurts, the treatment may differ significantly depending on the nature of the pain and the causes of its appearance.

In the event that the pains appeared in the area of ​​the lateral surfaces of the tongue, this could also be caused by mechanical damage, which we considered earlier. But there are others, for example:

We have considered the main reasons why the language hurts, now is the time to learn what to treat this ailment.


As mentioned earlier, sometimes there is an urgent need to contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary treatment for you. It can be, as the otolaryngologist, and the stomatologist. Having determined the nature of pain and their cause, the doctor will prescribe the necessary medication. But this is only if mechanical damages are eliminated, which eventually pass independently.

In order to avoid inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, and not to encounter painful sensations, adhere to hygiene standards: wash your hands, rinse your mouth after eating, try not to use unwashed vegetables and fruits, watch your teeth health and leave bad habits. So, the risk of feeling pain in any part of the language is minimized.