How to fry chanterelles with onions and sour cream?

As always, autumn generously spoils a lot of forest mushrooms. Therefore, if you were lucky enough to find a few incomparable chanterelles, then we suggest that you fry them with a fragrant onion and together with the delicate sour cream, how to prepare such mushrooms correctly you will learn from our recipes.

The recipe for fried mushrooms chanterelles with sour cream and onions?



Chanterelles are completely filled with cold, running water, we wash out the mushrooms and leave them for at least half an hour in the same water. Gently pull out the chanterelles, put them on a clean towel, so that the mushrooms dry out a little. If the chanterelles are quite large, then cut them into 2-3 parts, and if not - lay out the whole dried mushrooms in a large sauté pan with already boiling sunflower oil. When the juice extracted from the chanterelles evaporates and they begin to gild a little, then we add to them a quartered ring peeled onions and continue to fry all until the softness of the introduced vegetable. Next, we pour all the salt with ground black pepper, put the right amount of sour cream into the mushrooms, mix thoroughly, cover the dish with a suitable lid and, after reducing the flame of the fire, stew it for at least 20 minutes.

Fried chanterelles with onions, potatoes and sour cream



Pre-washed chanterelles are immersed in boiling water on the cooker plate and cook them in it for 7-8 minutes. We move mushrooms into a deep colander and cool them under a stream of running water.

In the oil warmed to the haze, add the young garlic, passed through a special press, through a special frying pan in a large frying pan. Fry it to a brownish color, and then gently remove it. Now put the fragrant chanterelles into this fragrant oil, after 4-5 minutes add the raw potatoes sliced ​​with small slices and salt the contents of the frying pan with salt. When the potato slices are half ready, then we introduce into the dish very thin semicircles of onion and almost immediately add a good home-made sour cream. Fry the frying cover suitable for her lid and, putting the regime of minimal fire, extinguish all this yummy for 12 minutes. 2 minutes before the dish is removed from the fire, we enter into it finely chopped greens of dill.

Chanterelles with onion and sour cream, fried in a multivark



Mushrooms are thoroughly washed, cleaned and with a knife we ​​grind them into small pieces. In the bowl of the multivark already included in the "Baking" mode, we pour sunflower oil and when it is sufficiently heated it is spread out into it crushed chanterelles. Cook them in this mode for 25 minutes, and then add to the bowl with mushrooms finely chopped cubes of fresh onions. Sprinkle the contents of the multiquark with a fine salt, a mixture of various peppers, add a bit of ground cardamom and continue to cook the mushrooms for the same time. After, put in a mushroom with onion sour cream, mix well and, without reinstalling the previous regime, we prepare chanterelles for another 10 minutes.