Adhesive for aquarium

There are situations when it becomes necessary to glue the glass of an aquarium because of a crack, or simply make an aquarium by yourself. And, of course, the question arises as to which adhesive for the aquarium is better.

How to choose a sealant for an aquarium?

There is a huge selection of sealants on the market, but not all of them can be used to glue the aquarium, because the glue must be both reliable and safe.

Do not use glue to glue the aquarium, if it is an acrylic sealant. Such an adhesive does not have sufficient adhesion to the glass, besides, it is not moisture resistant.

Do not also use a butyl sealant - although it is suitable for gluing glass, it does not have a sufficient margin of safety.

Not suitable for aquarium glass and polyurethane, polysulphide or bituminous glue - these types are used mainly in construction.

You can use epoxy sealants, but you need to consider that before using them, you need to thoroughly clean the surfaces to be glued together, and they require a long time for hardening.

But the silicone adhesive sealant, being universal, is ideal for an aquarium. Such glue is used for household use, it is elastic, perfectly adheres to any surface, has a long service life. So when the question arises, which glue is needed for the aquarium, the answer to it is obvious - silicone.

Silicone sealant

Silicone sealant is completely non-toxic, when it comes into contact with water, it does not emit harmful substances, which is the key to safety for living organisms in the aquarium. The use of silicone glue to glue the glass of the aquarium is very convenient in that it freezes for 20 minutes, under the influence of moisture in the air. Completely the polymerization process is completed in 24 hours, the seams are distinguished by their super strength - in order to destroy their efforts, they must be 200 kg.

Being very elastic, this adhesive allows the seams not to become stiff and not subject to fracture or cracks, this ability of the glue is also important in conditions of a possible temperature drop, which often happens in the aquarium. When purchasing silicone sealant, you should choose one that does not contain the inscriptions: "antifungal" and "antimicrobial".