Vasculitis - treatment

Among autoimmune diseases, vasculitis is one of the first places in the complexity of treatment. The variety of forms of this disease poses a difficult task for physicians to adequately diagnose and take measures to eliminate numerous symptoms. Fortunately, for today it is not a verdict. Vasculitis, whose treatment is directed in the right direction, more than in 74% of patients ends in complete recovery.

Causes of vasculitis

Inflammation of the walls of blood vessels - that's what vasculitis is. But the external or internal manifestations of the inflammation of the vessels are only symptoms of the disease. Therefore, it will be incorrect to begin treatment without eliminating the root causes of vasculitis.

One of the most frequent mechanisms that trigger the process of this disease is the external influence factor, with which the body began inadequate struggle, "crushing" its own organs and systems. Vasculitis provoked by:

Signs of vasculitis

Among the common symptoms is observed:

The manifestation of even a few symptoms indicates the need for a complete examination of the body. And this is the first and most important step on the way to curing vasculitis. It is important to remember that the consequences of vasculitis - a heart attack or a stroke - are a real threat to life.

Classification of vasculitis

By the type of occurrence, vasculitis is divided into primary and secondary. This is an important point in the diagnosis. While primary vasculitis is considered an independent disease, the secondary one is one of the accompanying symptoms of a disease occurring in the body. Vasculitis also has a different degree of manifestation and manifestation. Hence - the numerous names of the same disease:

  1. Nonspecific aortoarteritis (aortic arch syndrome, Takayasu's disease) affects the aorta and its branches.
  2. Nodular polyarteritis is a disease of small and medium arteries with the formation of vascular aneurysms.
  3. Wegener's granulomatosis affects small and medium blood vessels;
  4. Kawasaki disease is the formation of a microaneurysm in the coronary arteries.
  5. Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis, Horton's disease) - inflammation of the temporal artery, as well as extracranial branches of the carotid artery.
  6. Microscopic polyangiitis - a lesion of small vessels of the kidneys and lungs without the formation of granulomas.
  7. Eosinophilic granulomatosis and angiitis (Charga-Strauss syndrome) is a disease with the formation of nodules in small vessels of the respiratory tract.
  8. Hemorrhoidal vasculitis (purpura Shenlaine-Genocha) - inflammation of microvessels of the skin, intestines and kidneys with the formation of microthrombi.
  9. Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis is a lesion of small and medium (rarely large) vessels with peripheral nervous system damage, accompanied by the presence of cryoglobulins in the blood. The likely cause of this type of vasculitis is the hepatitis C virus .

Hemorrhoidal vasculitis and Wegener's granulomatosis can be combined with the term "allergic vasculitis", the symptoms of which are secondary manifestations of allergic reactions to medications and vaccines. One of the most common symptoms of these diseases is bronchial asthma.

How to treat vasculitis?

There is no universal way to treat vasculitis. If earlier medical actions were aimed at blocking the immune response of the body, as well as symptomatic elimination of manifestations of the disease, then modern medicine offers a deeper set of measures to eliminate it:

  1. Establishment and elimination of the focus of infection, allergen or hormonal disorders in the body.
  2. The resumption of the work of inflamed vessels and organs.
  3. Restoration of the function of the immune and nervous systems.
  4. Purification of the body from the toxic effects of drugs used for treatment.

Treatment of vasculitis with folk remedies

Traditional medicine has a large number of secrets to improve blood formation and eliminate the effects of exposure to allergens.

Some useful recipes for vasculitis:
  1. Purification of the intestine : in equal parts it is necessary to mix the dried immortelle, wormwood, tansy and elecampane; 2 tbsp. l. mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist in the thermos for 2-3 hours; take in a diluted form (100ml tincture per 100 ml of boiled water) twice a day for 30 minutes. before meals.
  2. Cleansing the blood : several dry leaves of thick-leafed badan should be filled with a glass of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 12 hours, strain, add 1 tbsp. l. honey; drink every morning on an empty stomach.
  3. Suppression of the immune response of the body in allergic vasculitis: in equal parts to mix flowers of calendula, poplar buds, elderberry, leaves of mint, string, yarrow and horsetail; 1 tbsp. l. mixture pour a glass of boiling water, insist for at least 1 hour, strain and consume every 3 hours for 100 ml.