Cirrhosis - symptoms in women

Cirrhosis of the liver and the first symptoms in women always lead to great chagrin, fear and a sense of inevitability, since this progressive disease can lead to hepatic insufficiency. Cirrhosis can be successfully treated if it is addressed in time to specialists, to eliminate the cause of its occurrence and clearly follow the recommendations of physicians. Even with established cirrhosis, when the process has become irreversible, you can make it compensable and continue to live. In extreme cases, it is possible to transplant the donor liver.

Cirrhosis of the liver - symptoms and causes in women

Most often this disease can suffer people after forty years, but any other age category of patients, though to a lesser degree, has the risk of developing cirrhosis.

The causes of this pathology are different:

The causes of the disease do not affect the manifestations of symptoms, but may indicate a stage of development of the disease.

Symptoms of liver cirrhosis in women at the initial stage (class A class) are not determined, since there are no complications. But just at this stage it is very important to stop the cause, which contributes to the development of cirrhosis, and then healthy liver cells will survive, with which one can lead a normal life. This is possible because liver cells can perform the necessary functions for themselves and for their damaged "brethren," and also have a process of self-regeneration.

What are the signs of cirrhosis in women?

If cirrhosis from the initial stage has moved to class B or C, then, in principle, the symptoms are manifested in men and women are the same.

The signs of cirrhosis are:

The feces become discolored or light, and the urine darkens. Skin color and proteins turn yellow, i.e. jaundice develops.

Since the signs of liver cirrhosis in women at an early stage have almost no manifestation, but you know that you have any prerequisites for the development of this disease, for example, after hepatitis B or C, you need to regularly monitor using blood tests and ultrasound liver. If the symptoms are still manifest, then you should immediately go to the doctor, and not expect that "will resolve" by itself, as often do our people. The more it will be possible to keep healthy cells, the more likely it is to stop the disease and live a normal life. Otherwise, your delay or self-treatment can lead to irreversible processes in the liver, cancer or hepatic insufficiency. That is much more serious and worse treatable than cirrhosis itself.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to take courses of hepatoprotectors, which the doctor can appoint. Refuse from smoking, drugs and alcohol. Observe the right food, do not eat spicy, fatty, fried, etc., ie. diet (table number 5). Fulfillment of these simple tasks, adherence to the doctor's recommendation is the guarantee of your healthy future.