Coffee allergy

Despite the general love for a fragrant drink, coffee is a fairly strong allergen. Moreover, the reaction of the body is not due to the content of coffee beans caffeine, and because of entering the gastrointestinal tract of chlorogenic acid.

What coffee causes allergy?

There is an opinion that allergic reactions cause exceptionally soluble coffee because of the presence of special chemical additives and flavor enhancers in it. In this case, the allergy to instant coffee, as such, is absent, because the body secretes blocking cells on artificial substances-irritants, not related to coffee.

The true allergy to coffee only arises when you drink a drink made from grains. Chlorogenic acid, contained only in natural coffee, causes allergic reactions. It should be noted that this substance is present in the bilberry composition, and in large quantities. Therefore, most likely, this berry too will have to be excluded from the diet.

How does the coffee allergy manifest itself?

Among the main signs of an allergic reaction, abdominal pain and intestinal disorders are observed.

External symptoms of coffee allergy:

The most severe symptoms of a true coffee allergy are Quincke's edema and choking.

Can green coffee cause allergies?

Among the novelties in the market of the drink in question, green coffee has gained a special popularity. This species is considered safe because of the low content of caffeine and tannins. But for allergy sufferers, green coffee is most dangerous, since chlorogenic acid in its grains is 8-10 times more than in conventional coffee products.

How to treat an allergy to coffee?

First of all, of course, you will have to exclude this drink from the daily ration, as well as all products containing it. Then it is necessary to carry out complex therapy, which includes taking antihistamines and treating the symptoms.

To eliminate intestinal disorders and pain syndrome, special enzymatic agents are prescribed that improve digestion and prevent intestinal dysbacteriosis . Sorbents can also be recommended.

To get rid of external manifestations of allergies, local remedies with corticoid hormones are used. They quickly remove irritation of the skin, inflammation and flaking.