How to pump up a press in 2 weeks?

Many people want to change and achieve certain results in sports for a short period of time. We suggest to understand, whether it is possible for 2 weeks to pump up the press, and what exercises to perform better. The term, of course, is minimal, but if you are engaged in strenuous and according to the rules, then you can achieve notable results.

How to pump up a press in 2 weeks?

Let's start with the rules that must be taken into account in order to achieve the desired results:

  1. Pressing the muscles of the press is best on an empty stomach, so if possible, do it in the morning.
  2. The muscles of the press differ in that they are quickly restored, so in principle, with such limited time, you can practice daily, well, or every other day.
  3. Bleeding the press for 2 weeks involves working out a whole group of muscles, so the complex should include different exercises that involve direct, external, oblique and internal muscles.
  4. Since you want to improve the relief, then you need to do the exercises at a slow pace, delaying at maximum load for a couple of seconds.
  5. If possible, it is recommended to use additional weight, which will improve the result.
  6. Begin training with a warm-up , aimed at warming up the muscles. For this purpose, the cardiorage is the best. At the end of the exercise, perform stretching exercises.

In addition, it is recommended to adhere to proper nutrition, and also drink plenty of liquid, that is, not less than 1.5 liters of water.

Exercises for the abs

Now let's move on to the exercises to pump up the press for the girl in 2 weeks. They should be performed in three approaches 25-30 times:

  1. Sit on your back, bending your knees and lifting them so that your hips are perpendicular to the floor. Put your hands along the body. On exhalation, lift the pelvis above the floor, pointing your legs up. After that, go down to the starting position.
  2. Lay down on your side, placing your lower arm next to your body, and hold the other hand behind your head. Simultaneously lift your legs and body, bringing your elbow closer to your legs, thereby performing lateral twists.
  3. It is possible to work out the press well on the horizontal bar. Grasp the crossbar with a straight grip, so that the distance between hands is identical to the shoulders. Raise your legs up and touch the crossbar, and then lower it. Another option is the "pendulum" exercise. Raise your legs, and then, lower them to the left and to the right.
  4. Place yourself on the floor and raise your legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor. In your hands, take a dumbbell and hold it over yourself in outstretched arms. Raise the upper body by directing the dumbbells to the feet.