Myocardial infarction - treatment

One of the most frequent reasons for calling an ambulance team is a heart attack or acute myocardial infarction - a clinical condition that requires urgent care.

Attack of an infarct

Myocardium is the heart muscle, creating rhythmic contractions, alternating with relaxations. With myocardial infarction, the blood supply of a part of the heart muscle suddenly stops due to the complete blockage of the coronary artery delivering oxygen-saturated blood. Most often this leads to the formation of a thrombus on an atherosclerotic plaque, less often - blockage of the lumen of the coronary artery. In this case, the site of the myocardium is deprived of nutrition and dies, and the deceased muscle is gradually replaced by a scar tissue.

Attack of a heart attack is accompanied by such basic symptoms:

However, there are also atypical manifestations of myocardial infarction, because of what it can be ignored. For example, sometimes it feels like it can resemble heartburn or is accompanied only by difficulty breathing and irregular heartbeats.

It is important to remember that the faster the open coronary artery is opened, the less the heart will be damaged, therefore, if a heart attack is suspected, an ambulance should be called immediately.

Forms of myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction is classified as follows:

By stages of development:

By the volume (size) of the lesion:

By localization:

Treatment of acute myocardial infarction

Patients are hospitalized and for the first few days are under continuous monitoring in the intensive care unit.

Treatment of a heart attack includes the following medications:

At the same time, strict strict bed rest is required, as well as proper care for the patient in order to avoid bedsores and other complications.

Recovery after myocardial infarction

After the transfer of a heart attack for about six months, it is necessary to observe a sparing regimen. In the future, work that involves heavy physical or emotional stress is prohibited.

Rehabilitation of the patient begins in the hospital with the restoration of lost basic skills (self-movement, hygiene procedures), and then continues in the conditions of a rehabilitation center, a sanatorium or a polyclinic.

Based on the age, weight of the patient, the severity of damage to the heart muscle and associated diseases, a complex of exercise therapy is developed for infarction. Physical exercises are based on aerobic loads (causing oxygenation of the blood), designed to increase physical and cardiac endurance. Also, a massage is prescribed to improve coronary circulation, accelerate muscle blood flow, relieve physical and emotional stress.

Recommended walks, light physical work (in the garden, household), rich in vitamins nutrition with restriction of animal fats, meat broths, strong coffee, tea.

Prevention of myocardial infarction

For the prevention of disease it is recommended: