May 1 - the history of the holiday

Today, on May 1, the holiday of labor we usually try to celebrate with a cheerful vacation by a large company on the bank of a river or a country plot. Few people in general know that the origins of the history of the holiday May 1 go to the time of Chicago in 1889.

What is the name of the holiday on May 1?

According to the history of the holiday on May 1, its beginning falls precisely on July 1889, because it was then that the Congress of the Second International unanimously adopted a decision on the mandatory celebration of the victory of the Chicago workers against capitalism and the exploitation of human labor. Already in 1890 this day began to be celebrated first in Warsaw , and a little later the Labor Day of May 1 gradually settled in the Soviet Union. But then the significance changed a little: in addition to solidarity with the workers of the whole world, he was a good reason to take a break from work and remember about the last war, to do a little kitchen gardens.

Later the holiday lost its political significance. Now the holiday of May 1 is called for another, it is known as the Day of Peace and Labor known to us. Another spring festival on May 1 also has a more ancient interpretation. In ancient Italy, the inhabitants worshiped a goddess named Maya, who patronized agriculture and fertility. It is only natural that in honor of the goddess they decided to organize real festivities on the first day of May.

The history of the holiday on May 1 in other countries

On May, 1st in England celebrate Beltane holiday. This is a specific custom, which is dedicated to the onset of the warm sun and the expulsion of cattle. To celebrate, all residents gather firewood for a fire and light a huge festive bonfire. Previously, these fires set fire to and carried cattle between them, thus saluting the gods of the sun. Nowadays, city dwellers simply conduct marches in honor of the holiday. But in freedom-loving France they celebrate the day of the lily of the valley. Along the streets, traders take out small fragrant bouquets, which in this country is usually considered a symbol of happiness.