Pests of apple trees

Numerous insect pests of apple trees harm both fruits and the tree itself. They are able to hit all parts of the apple tree: some suck the juice out of leaves, buds, buds, others gnaw the leaves, while others damage the fruits themselves.

In order to successfully combat the pest of apple trees, gardeners should know their species and the period when they need to be treated from them. Consider the most dangerous and common pests of apple trees.

Apple weevil or colorod

The overwintered beetles feed on the kidneys, and the larvae lodged in buds eat them from the inside. It is considered the main pest during the flowering of apple trees.

Control measures:

Leaf rollers

Spring born caterpillars eat buds and buds.

The best time for combating leafworms is considered to be the period of bud budding. Control measures:

Apple apple-tree

From eggs of orange-yellow color in the spring larvae are born, which suck the juice out of blossoming buds and glue them with honey dew.

Control measures:

Apple moth and winter moth

Eggs of winter moths hibernate on the bark of trees, and when the buds are budding, the caterpillars eat everything. And caterpillars of apple moths during the formation of buds and at the beginning of flowering eat foliage.

Control measures:

Apple Fruitflies

Caterpillars eat fruits, namely seeds, the infected fruits ripen earlier and fall.

Control measures:

Green apple aphid

The aphid colonies suck the juice out of the leaves. In autumn he lays oval, black, shiny eggs on branches.

Control measures:

Fruit mites (apple red)

Before the blossoming of the apple tree, larvae appear that settle on the leaves and suck the juice out of them.

Control measures:

In addition to the measures listed above, how to protect the apple tree from pests is of great importance in carrying out agrotechnical measures: pruning branches, deep plowing of rows, cleaning and whitewashing of trunks, sealing of dopes and treatment of wounds. They contribute to the destruction of wintering pests, and then you can reduce the number of spraying apple trees from them in the garden.

Adhering to these measures of struggle and the timing of processing the apple trees from pests, you will definitely get a good harvest!