Inflammation of the intestines - symptoms

The intestine in the body has a rather important role. It is here that the digestion of food and its splitting into useful, vitally important trace elements occurs. Symptoms of inflammation of the intestine can appear for various reasons. Having found them, it is advisable immediately to consult with a specialist. Otherwise, treatment can become much more complicated and stretch for many months.

What are the symptoms of inflammation of the intestine?

The delicate mucous membrane of the intestine can be traumatized and annoyed by anything, starting with too heavy food, ending with harmful bacteria and other parasites. There are inflammatory processes by analogy with many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The most common symptom of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa - of course, pain in the abdomen. Their character is usually pressing or bursting. Determine clearly the localization of pain is very difficult. The appearance of unpleasant sensations is the result of spasm of smooth muscles.

Other manifestations of inflammation include such symptoms:

There are all these signs quite unexpectedly.

Symptoms of inflammation of the large and small intestine

Of course, there is no fundamental difference from common symptoms in inflammation. And yet I would like to dwell on some nuances in more detail.

The most common diseases affecting the large intestine are colitis and Crohn's disease. In this case, the following are added to the general symptoms of inflammation of the intestine:

In addition, with inflammation of the walls of the large intestine, patients may experience severe pain in the anal passage. And with a detailed examination of the patient with Crohn's disease, small ulcers are often found on the walls of the intestine. In particularly difficult cases, inflammatory processes in the large intestine cause incontinence of stool and gases. Fortunately, in most cases, treatment begins long before the disease passes to this stage.

Symptoms of inflammation of the small intestine in women are almost identical. The main feature - the inflammatory process in most cases is accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle. And with the palpation of the cecum, the stomach begins to grow very rumbling.

How to eliminate the symptoms of inflammation of the lower part of the large intestine?

The course of treatment is selected for each patient individually. A prerequisite is the diet. With inflammation of the intestine, the diet should consist exclusively of low-fat varieties of meat and fish, non-acid fruits and vegetables, low-fat sour-milk products, black slightly dried bread. Categorically prohibited during the treatment are fried, too sharp and salted dishes. It is very undesirable to add spices to food.

The complex medical therapy, which includes:

Antibiotics can be used to treat severe inflammation.

Timely and competent treatment will prevent the appearance of symptoms of chronic inflammation of the intestine - a more complex and heavily flowing form of the disease.