Folic acid - side effects

Folic acid is one of the vitamins involved in metabolic processes (especially in protein metabolism), as well as in the formation of DNA and RNA. It is especially important for pregnant women, as it participates in the formation of the placenta and nervous tissue of the child.

Side effects of folic acid

It is believed that folic acid almost does not produce side effects, but it should not be taken uncontrolled. Dosage should be determined by a doctor. Vitamin deficiency can lead to anemia. A sign of it may be memory impairment, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain and even ulcers in the mouth.

Another side effect of taking folic acid is that with prolonged intake of blood, the amount of vitamin B12 decreases. This can lead to neurological complications (insomnia, irritability, increased excitability, and sometimes convulsions). Also, with prolonged use of excessive doses, abdominal pain, nausea, swelling, diarrhea and constipation may occur.

How to take folic acid?

Once it came about an overdose of folic acid, it should be noted that it happens rarely. And, in general, even high doses of the drug are well tolerated. The daily dose of folic acid depends on the age and condition of the recipient:

In addition to the dose, you need to know how to take folic acid correctly. Do this regularly. If the reception was missed, you just need to take the drug. It is better absorbed in combination with vitamins C and B12. Also, do not damage the intake of bifidobacteria.

Allergy to folic acid

Sometimes folic acid can give one more side effect - allergy. One of the reasons for its occurrence is the individual intolerance of the substance. Allergy to folic acid can manifest as a skin rash, Quincke's edema, rarely as anaphylactic shock. In this case, you should urgently take an antihistamine drug and see a doctor.