Cowberry leaf during pregnancy

In obstetric practice, a cowberry leaf is often used, which during pregnancy helps to cope with a number of problems. But it is important to understand that phytotherapy alone can not cope with the disease, which means that such plant raw materials will only help in complex treatment.

In addition to its direct therapeutic effect on the body, cowberry leaves have a lot of trace elements and vitamins useful in pregnancy. Because cowberry tea from dry leaves can be prescribed as a preventive measure of vitamin deficiency and drink it in courses for 2-3 weeks. And then they make the same break.

Benefit and harm of cranberry leaf during pregnancy

Often during pregnancy, a woman develops swelling, coping with which will help a cowberry leaf. But only on the condition that fluid retention is caused by problems with the kidneys or bladder. After all, puffiness can be without these diseases, especially at the end of pregnancy, due to the fact that the heavy uterus squeezes many of the main vessels, and this interferes with the normal functioning of the body.

During pregnancy, cranberry leaf is prescribed for women with pyelonephritis, cystitis and diabetes mellitus. The composition of the medicinal raw material includes the substance arbutin, which increases the amount of urine and helps its removal from the body. In addition, tannin substances contained in cranberry leaves have a weak anti-inflammatory effect on the organs of the genitourinary system.

But, despite decades of successful application, many mothers doubt whether it is possible to drink cranberry leaf during pregnancy, for fear of harming the baby in the womb. Indeed, adverse reactions are possible if the dosage of this herbal preparation is not met, or if there is an allergic reaction. It is not advisable to use the decoction during the threat of miscarriage, because the product can provoke excessive uterine tone.

How to take a cowberry leaf during pregnancy?

Usually, the curative infusion is prepared from the dried raw material bought at the pharmacy, but it is possible to collect the medicinal plant independently and then to dry it. Many people do not know how to drink cranberry leaf during pregnancy and before using it, you need to study the instructions so as not to exceed the dosage.

Decoction of cowberry leaf, used during pregnancy, can be prepared both from the most vegetable raw materials, sold in the pharmacy chain in packs, and from tea bags, in which the crushed leaves are already filled.

If you do not know how to brew a cranberry leaf during pregnancy, then it's not difficult to do it. This process is similar to preparing a decoction from any other plant material that is used in phytotherapy.

One tablespoon with a slide, which contains about six grams of dry shredded leaves, is put in an enamel saucepan or scoop and filled with a glass (200 ml) of boiling water.

Then the grass is infused for half an hour in a water bath without boiling, filtered in a hot form and filled to 200 ml with boiled water. After cooling, the infusion is ready for use.

Usually broth of cranberry leaf is drunk in small portions 1-2 tablespoons three times a day or more, for three to four weeks. Drink infusion recommended in a warm form for 40 minutes after eating.

Caution when using a cranberry leaf

Despite its useful properties, cowberries, like the berries of this plant, are contraindicated in problems with the gastrointestinal tract: ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, with poor blood coagulability and a tendency to nosebleeds.