Kidney cancer - symptoms

The main feature of oncological diseases is that quite often they are asymptomatic. And malignant kidneys are no exception. If you have kidney cancer, the symptoms will appear only when the disease goes to a serious stage. But there are ways to find it before.

The main symptoms of kidney cancer in women

In 75% of cases with oncology of the kidneys, clear-celled kidney cancer develops. This disease has the following symptoms:

Often, kidney cancer is of a mixed type, that is, combined with a clear cell cancer and papillary cancer, or a chromophobic, oncocytic cancer and cancer of the collecting tubules. The signs of kidney cancer of any kind are the same.

The causes of oncological diseases are not specifically defined. There are several factors that can cause renal cell carcinoma of the kidney.

In the risk zone, men, people over the age of 40, people with obesity and overweight, smokers and those who have been using certain medicines for a long time. Their list can be provided only by a doctor. In addition, the risk of developing kidney cancer in any chronic nephrologic disease in severe form is very high.

Usually, cancer begins to develop from the epithelial tissues of blood vessels that remove blood from the kidney, or in the body of the renal pelvis. As a result, it can spread to other organs through the circulatory system, or with lymph. Metastases significantly worsen the possible prognosis. The extent to which the cancer of the kidney spreads depends on how many patients live.

Prognosis and survival in kidney cancer

Clear-celled kidney cancer has an unfavorable prognosis, as the disease is often detected at a late stage, the only method of treatment is complete removal of the affected kidney and partial - metastasis. Of course, if they exist and are subject to removal. Chemotherapy and radiation are used much less often, many doctors believe that these methods of treatment are ineffective in renal cancer. With other types of cancer, they are used much more often. After surgery for kidney cancer, survival is about 56%. The earlier a tumor is detected, the better the prognosis, so if you are at risk, do regular ultrasound of internal organs and from time to time go through an x-ray or tomograph.

With kidney cancer, most patients can live up to five years after the operation. About 30% die in the period up to 2 years and earlier. Fortunately, this is a fairly rare type of cancer, it is only 4% of all cancers.

Metastases often with blood spread to other organs, usually the lungs, spine, ribs, hip joint, brain. In this case, removing them becomes not possible, and the forecast is even worse. If the kidney cancer in children, although asymptomatic, but easily diagnosed because of a good opportunity to probe the tumor, and therefore effectively treated, then in adulthood to cope with the problem is not so simple.

If you notice any symptoms of kidney cancer, even if they are minor, see a doctor as soon as possible. It is very likely that this will save your life - any delays are dangerous. The sooner treatment begins, the less likely the occurrence of metastases and the further growth of cancer cells.