Third trimester of pregnancy

The third trimester of pregnancy is the finish line, which leads to a meeting with the baby. The future mother already feels her child, finds out his character and even the regime of the day, loves to communicate with him. Many mothers in the third trimester already know who they will have, a boy, a girl or maybe even twins, and therefore they gladly start to collect a dowry, as well as prepare things for the maternity home. The third trimester is an important three months on the way to motherhood.

When does the third trimester of pregnancy begin?

The very first question that interests mom, who soon expects the birth of the baby, is when the trimester of pregnancy begins. According to the midwifery count, the third trimester starts at the 27th week of pregnancy. As a rule, in the third trimester the future mother enters already with a much more rounded belly, the weight of the baby is already more than 1 kilogram, the length from the crown to the coccyx is about 24 centimeters. The kid has already formed the main organs, he looks like a little man, and even if he is born ahead of time, the chances of surviving from him are high enough.

Weight gain in the third trimester

When the third trimester begins, the woman begins to recruit more actively than before. Weekly, the woman adds up to 300-500 grams, it is the third trimester that accounts for the main weight gain, during these weeks a woman can gain, within the limits of the norm, 5-7 kilograms. This will continue until 38-39 weeks. Before giving birth, weight gain stops, in some cases, the expectant mother even loses a few kilograms, this is considered one of the precursors of childbirth.

Menu for pregnant women - 3 trimester

The menu of the pregnant woman on the last terms should be high-grade and various, however attention should be paid to a healthy diet - fruits, vegetables, high-quality proteins and carbohydrates, the necessary minimum of fats, including vegetable. Preferably home cooking with a minimum salt content. Sweets should be replaced with dried fruits. If the pregnant woman does not have swelling, then you can drink without restrictions, but better simple water, weak tea or fresh juices.

Sex in the third trimester

In general, sex in the third trimester to future mothers doctors do not prohibit, if for this there are no direct contraindications, for example, low attachment of the placenta or threat of miscarriage. However, it is advisable to use a condom during sexual intercourse, because the genital tract is very vulnerable to infection, in addition, you can not have sex if the woman has already gotten away the mucous plug.

Discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, in the third trimester, women are not disturbed by excrement, except for pathological ones caused by thrush or other problems. A small amount of bloody or pinkish discharge may appear in the pre-delivery, along with the outgoing mucous plug.

Analyzes in the third trimester

In the third trimester, pregnant women take tests to prepare for hospitalization in the hospital. This is the standard group of blood tests for HIV, RW and hepatitis, as well as a general blood test. In addition, a weekly urine sample is submitted. In some women's consultations to pregnant women I take a smear from the vagina.

Problems in the third trimester

Edema in the third trimester is a classic symptom that can be caused by both hormonal causes, and excessive intake of salt and a violation of the diet. Treatment of edema is prescribed by a doctor. Another problem is constipation in the third trimester. They are caused by a sedentary manner, a general atony of the body and other causes. To improve the condition, doctors prescribe drugs based on natural fiber.

Of course, it is not always possible to eat properly, and to receive every day all the necessary vitamins and trace elements in full - the task is not simple. Therefore, doctors recommend taking vitamin-mineral complexes with a balanced composition. Their reception will avoid many complications during pregnancy and keep for all nine months a good state of health.