Toxicosis in pregnancy - what to do?

Nausea can darken any joyful event. Even the expectation of a child. But some say that toxicosis is inevitable, and it simply needs to be experienced, while others insist that this unpleasant phenomenon is not an obligatory attribute of a woman in the situation. In this article we will consider the types of toxicosis in pregnant women, identify the main symptoms, and also find out whether it can be avoided.

Distinguish between toxicosis of the early, first trimester, and much more dangerous, late, tormenting women in the second half of pregnancy. In addition, doctors share the toxicosis in terms of severity: light, medium and heavy.

What to do in case of early toxicosis during pregnancy?

The first symptoms of intoxication a woman may notice even before she finds out what the baby is waiting for. Nausea, depression, loss of appetite and increased salivation are the main signs of early toxicosis in pregnant women, the beginning of which is observed almost immediately after conception. The causes of the phenomenon are not fully understood, but it is believed that early toxicosis is a "bonus" of the first 15 weeks, when the placenta is not yet formed and can not protect the female body. The metabolic products released by the fetus enter the bloodstream, causing intoxication. In addition, it is at this time that hormonal changes occur that increase the excitability of the olfactory centers (hence the intolerance of smells or aversion to certain dishes). Some doctors believe that the causes of toxicosis are caused by psychogenic factors, fear associated with childbirth or subconscious unwillingness to have children. And if your mother was tormented by severe nausea with gestation, then the risk of recurrence of the scenario is higher than if she had no signs of toxicosis.

Treatment of toxicosis of pregnant women

The average and severe degree of intoxication are subject to compulsory treatment. Early toxemia in pregnancy occurs at the onset of brain formation, and frequent (more than 6 times a day) vomiting dehydrates the body, reduces the supply of nutrients to the fetus and jeopardizes its normal formation. Because the future mother with a severe degree of intoxication is forced to undergo examination and subsequent treatment in the hospital.

In other cases, if it is a case of mild toxicosis (the frequency of vomiting - no more than 5 times a day), doctors recommend to be patient and wait an unpleasant period. Perhaps you will get a pill of toxicosis, safe during pregnancy (for example, Hofitol, Essliver, Essentiale). However, there are time-proven methods that will help alleviate the depressing state.

How to relieve early toxemia in pregnancy?

To begin with, there is no universal remedy for toxicity in pregnancy. The processes taking place at this amazing time are too individual. We will give the main methods of fighting nausea:

It is extremely important that your relatives enter your position and try to refuse using irritating spirits, smoking, and cooking, the smell of which causes unpleasant emotions. Sensitivity of loved ones will help alleviate the bouts of depression or frequent changes of emotions, characteristic for this time. As a rule, early toxicosis ends when the formation of the placenta is completed - by 16 weeks the condition should stabilize.

Late toxicosis in pregnancy - what to do?

This is a rare phenomenon, which, unlike early intoxication, is more often associated with the wrong way of life of a beginning mother or with some diseases (heart disease, kidneys, endocrine disorders, obesity). Usually the word "gestosis" (toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy) is heard by a woman at a gynecologist's appointment. toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy (after 34 weeks) is not always expressed in nausea and vomiting. The insidiousness of preeclampsia is that sometimes the signs can be revealed only when researching: hidden swelling or the presence of protein in the urine. And the consequences are oxygen starvation of the fetus, a shortage of important nutrients. Therefore, if the doctor insists on hospitalization, do not refuse.

Although the diagnosis is better to prevent, and therefore prevention is the best advice for a pregnant woman. Here's how to avoid late toxicosis during pregnancy:

But even if you were put in a hospital, do not forget why you spend your days in the ward. Do not listen to the "horror stories" of other patients, focus on the happiness that awaits you very soon. After all, a good mood and love are the best medicine!