Why is it sick in the morning?

Often morning nausea is written off for pregnancy. But why in the morning a woman is sick, if there is no pregnancy? We will understand in what cases discomfort is manifested.

Why in the morning does my stomach ache and vomit?

Most often, these symptoms are manifested as a result of pathologies of the digestive system, but there are other provoking factors:

  1. The reason why in the morning it makes you sick, can hide in such diseases as a stomach ulcer, as well as 12 duodenum. Nausea with an ulcer starts, usually after breakfast.
  2. If you are wondering why you feel sick in the morning on an empty stomach, consult a gastroenterologist. Perhaps you have gastritis. In this case, after eating, nausea usually passes.
  3. It is noted that nausea on an empty stomach can occur in men with diagnosed brain diseases, in which increased intracranial pressure is observed.
  4. Much more often than women, men suffer from adrenal insufficiency. Among the symptoms of this pathology is nausea in the morning.
  5. In the presence of liver failure, nausea is present in the morning before breakfast. But eating does not bring relief.
  6. For people with diagnosed pancreatitis it's no secret why they feel nauseous in the morning after eating. Inflamed gland immediately makes itself felt if food intake includes fried or fatty foods.
  7. Another reason for nausea and pain in the area of ​​the stomach is helminthic invasion. Although parasite infestation is more often detected in young children, an adult person will also be able to periodically give in to the egg egg.
  8. Mild nausea in the morning hours is possible at the initial stage of appendicitis. However, as the process progresses, the symptomatology becomes worse and attacks of nausea appear at any time of the day.
  9. To nausea and vomiting leads to "sea" disease - a violation in the work of the vestibular apparatus.
  10. Among the reasons, why it makes you sick every morning, there is also cholelithiasis. Typically, a similar clinical picture means that one of the stones blocked the bile duct.

When there is nausea and dizziness?

Why does my stomach ache and vomit in the morning, I see. But what if the morning sickness is accompanied by symptoms such as dizziness, weakness and unwillingness to eat?

In the presence of such symptoms, a consultation of the cardiologist is necessary, since it may be cardiovascular pathologies. It should be remembered that morning sickness for 2-3 days against the background of dizziness can be quite a serious sign. If this pattern is combined with the asymmetry of the face, it is possible that a microstroke has occurred.

In the absence of asymmetry, nausea and dizziness may be symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia. Why in the morning is sick and dizzy, in this case science is still unknown. In addition to dizziness, there are signs such as hearing and vision impairment, as well as anxiety.

Why is the headache and vomiting in the morning?

This clinical picture is typical for migraine. Usually the symptoms begin to develop in the morning. First appears nausea, then a headache joins her.

Cephalgia increases from external stimuli - loud sound or bright light. Headache and mild nausea at first often lead to vomiting.

A single attack of nausea will not pose a threat. However, when there is a systematic appearance of discomfort in the morning, you need to listen to an alarm and go through the examination. Exact clarification of the cause will help quickly get rid of the problem and never again face unpleasant symptoms.