Kidney pain

The kidneys are a paired organ, they are located on the side of the back under the sixth rib. Complaints of kidney pain are common.

How to distinguish kidney pain or underlying symptoms

If you feel pain in the kidneys, pay attention to the symptoms:

The presence of one or more of these accompanying pain in the kidneys of the symptoms indicates that the kidneys are hurting. It is important to distinguish the kidney disease from biliary colic, an attack of appendicitis, malfunctioning of the intestine and other ailments in which similar sensations are observed.

Causes of kidney pain, possible diagnoses

Consider the types of diseases in which there is pain in the kidneys:

  1. Pyelonephritis is more common in women. It is inflammation of the kidneys, which usually occurs after hypothermia or develops after cystitis. The pain in the kidney is dull or acute, pressing, it seizes the entire lumbar region, the upper part of the abdomen. The temperature rises, urination becomes more frequent.
  2. Glomerulonephritis - an infectious-allergic disease, develops after infection (often streptococcal). There is weakness, headache, swelling, the temperature rises dramatically, the amount of urine released (urine with an admixture of blood) decreases sharply. Usually begins with a severe headache.>
  3. Chronic kidney failure is a syndrome of irreversible kidney damage, which occurs for 3 months or more. It is the outcome of many chronic kidney diseases.
  4. Nephroptosis - omission, displacement of the kidney with weakening of the ligamentous apparatus. Pain in the kidneys, pulling, aching, sometimes stitching, can appear not immediately, but after physical exertion. Characteristic loss of appetite, nausea, stool disorders. Sometimes there is a throbbing pain in the kidneys, which then weakens, then grows.
  5. In connection with the violation of the outflow of urine, the pathological changes of the kidney occur; this disease is called hydronephrosis . Often it develops asymptomatically and manifests itself with the development of infection, trauma. Often there is pain in the lumbar region, increased pressure, aching in the kidneys.
  6. Acute pain in the kidneys can be a symptom of urolithiasis , in which stones are formed in the kidneys and urinary tract. The disease is often and mainly associated with living conditions, water hardness, abuse of acute, acidic, salty foods. Other of its symptoms: fever, blood in the urine, pain when urinating.
  7. Benign tumors of the kidneys may not manifest themselves in any way, but sometimes pains of a different nature are observed. As a rule, they are not dangerous, but often require prompt intervention.
  8. Kidney cancer is the most dangerous diagnosis. It is accompanied by a constant weakness, sometimes an increase in temperature, the appearance of bloody urine. In the lumbar region, the compaction is felt, the lumbar region hurts.

Folk remedies for kidney pain

If you are overtaken by pain in the kidneys, and the trip to the doctor has to be postponed for some reason, try this remedy for kidney pain. This herbal tea, which you can drink instead of the usual. Keep in mind that it has a diuretic effect. So, with pain in the kidneys you will need such herbs: bearberry, motherwort, licorice root, cornflower petals. Mix these herbs in a ratio of 3: 1: 1: 1 (3 tablespoons of bearberry, the rest - one by one). Then pour 300 ml of boiling water 2 tablespoons of this mixture of herbs and leave to stand. Such tasty and useful tea will greatly improve your condition.