36th week of pregnancy - precursors of childbirth

Starting from the 36th week of pregnancy, birth is just around the corner, you can say - the finish line. It can last as long as not very long, and up to 4-6 weeks. The baby is well-formed and, if born, will now be able to support life independently. As for the future mother, it's just 36 weeks of pregnancy that's the time for the precursors of delivery.

Precursors of delivery at 36 weeks gestation

The ninth month of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the main focus of the female body is not focused on maintaining a pregnancy, but on preparing for childbirth. Therefore, the precursors of birth, which appeared at week 36, is a kind of dress rehearsal before the upcoming event.

So, what are they, these harbingers, and how to distinguish them from the beginning of this generic activity:

  1. Abdominal abscess. This is due to the softening of the lower segment of the uterus. The baby goes down, pressing the head to the small pelvis. This precursor is a little easier for the future mother, because it is now easier to breathe, not so torments heartburn . After lowering the abdomen, aching pain may appear in the lower abdomen, as well as shooting pains in the perineum and legs. The child becomes less active. This is considered quite normal phenomenon, since the head has already been fixed, and you can move only with handles and legs.
  2. Departure of the mucous plug . In most women, a precursor of childbirth at 36 weeks of pregnancy is the passage of the mucous plug. During the carrying of the baby, it served as a kind of barrier against getting various infections into the uterus. And now, the time has come - the cork comes out in the form of a lump of brown mucus with blood veins, or by parts with mucus secretions. Most often it happens a few days before the birth, but there are cases that in a few weeks. If your cork is gone at 36 weeks of gestation, do not rush to go to the hospital, birth may not begin for a long time.
  3. Weight reduction . The theme that is exciting for every pregnant woman is weight gain. When you once again get on the scales and can not understand where these still gained kilograms, there is no doubt: in the near future one should expect the birth of his crumbs. Stabilization or reduction in weight is associated with active preparation of the body, namely, the removal of excess fluid.
  4. The emotional state can be characterized as unstable . Nervous tension, fear of childbirth on the background of hormonal adjustment do their job. Emotional spikes alternate with apathy and tearfulness for a short time. This is quite normal for a woman who is about to become a mother.
  5. More frequent urination and defecation . This also can be attributed to the precursors of childbirth at 36 weeks. Again, it is associated with the lowering of the abdomen, which presses on the urinary and intestines, and with the cleansing of the body before giving birth.
  6. The most common precursor, misleading many people, is false struggles . Undoubtedly, a mating woman can immediately distinguish them from the real ones. But the woman who is preparing for childbirth for the first time, they are alarming in earnest. The main difference between training fights from the real ones is their irregularity, and the gap between them does not decrease. In addition, they are almost painless, and, if you relax and relax, do pass. What can not be said about the real ones.

With such precursors of childbirth, a woman may face a woman at 36 weeks of gestation.

The threat of preterm delivery at week 36

In the practice of obstetrician-gynecologists, pregnancy is considered complete, starting from the 38th week. If suddenly for 36 weeks you feel:

All this points not to precursors, but to premature labor that has begun prematurely.

In this case, you should immediately go to the hospital. Doctors will decide for themselves, depending on how far the process went, how to proceed.