Why do men change?

According to psychologists, not a single married couple is insured against treason, regardless of the number of co-lived years and the availability of children. Nevertheless, absolutely every woman wants this trouble to be bypassed by her family union.

Why do married men change women?

Every woman who regularly faces betrayal of her husband wants to know if all men change and for what reasons. These questions were answered by sociologists who managed to determine the nature of male infidelity through long research.

The main reasons why a man cheats on his wife:

How many percent of men change?

It is believed that men change more often than women. Perhaps, it was about 20-30 years ago. But according to modern studies, the picture has changed dramatically. It's good or bad, but women of the 21st century love to go to the left no less than their husbands. Naturally, in different cities and countries the number of unfaithful husbands and wives is different. A great role in this matter is played by morals and the law.

In the territory of the former CIS countries, approximately 40% of married men regularly change their wives. In free America and Europe, this figure reaches 45%. About 73% of married men have changed their wives at least once. In countries that inhabit Muslims, the number of unfaithful men is extremely small. Treason in these countries is considered a great sin and severely punished by law.

How do you know if the husband is changing?

It is believed that his wife finds out about the love affairs of her husband one of the last. In fact, this information is false, because to understand that a man changes very simply for an observant wife.

Ways how to find out if a man is changing:

Each woman, before looking for an answer to the question "How does a man change himself?", One should think about the degree of trust in their relationship. Because excessive inquiries and excessive attention on the part of the wife can irritate and anger the spouse. And this, as you know, does not have a very good effect on marital life.