26 weeks pregnant - this is how many months?

Difficulties with calculating the period of their pregnancy are experienced by many women in the situation, especially if they expect the appearance of the first baby. Quite often they have a question about whether the 26th week of pregnancy is how much it is in months. The thing is that in most cases doctors count the duration of gestation exactly in weeks, while the mothers themselves, on the contrary, count in months.

26 obstetric weeks - this is how many months?

To begin with, it is necessary to say what an obstetric term is. By this definition we mean the duration of pregnancy, at which the countdown begins immediately from the first day of the last menstruation.

At the calculations physicians accept each calendar month for 4 weeks. This greatly simplifies the calculation. In this case, the duration of pregnancy itself is taken in 40 weeks.

Considering all the above, in order to find out, 26-27 weeks of pregnancy - how many months it is, it is enough to divide this period by 4. Thus it turns out that this period is exactly 6 months or 6 months and 1 week.

Also, to determine: how many months this is - 26 weeks of pregnancy, you can use the table.

What happens to the fetus at a given time?

The weight of the fruit at this time reaches 700 g, and the growth is 22-24 cm, from the coccyx to the crown. Given the length of the legs, the height is 33 cm.

At about this time, the crumb opens his eyes for the first time. Therefore, if you direct a beam of light to the surface of your mother's belly, ultrasound can be noticeable as he turns away, and his heart starts to pound more often.

The baby's respiratory system is actively developing. In the lung, a substance is synthesized - a surfactant that promotes the maturation of the alveolar system. That it prevents the so-called falloff, which is important in the first breath of the baby. The final maturation of the respiratory system occurs only at 36 weeks.

Improvement of neural connections directly between internal organs and the brain is noted. The fetus can already distinguish between tastes, it hears well and reacts well to external sounds and the mother's voice, which is confirmed by the increase in heart rate when communicating.

The child is constantly growing. Now his frequent jolts are more and more felt by the future mother. Moreover, they become noticeable to others. This parameter is important in gestation. It is for him that doctors, and even the pregnant woman, can draw conclusions about the health of the fetus.