
A terrible diagnosis of "idiocy" is seen in the eyes of the patient from afar. It is such a deep degree of backwardness that a person is practically devoid of speech and thought.

Degrees of oligophrenia

Mental retardation is divided into three degrees of severity: debilism, imbecility and idiocy. Diagnosis debilizm does not put an end to the independent life of a person, with the constant care of the child can be trained and even give him some education so that he can provide himself in more adult age. Imbecility imposes a great dependence on a person's life, however, in some ways he can carry out self-service. Idiocy - the most severe degree of oligophrenia, it puts an end to any independence.

There is also such a diagnosis as amaurotic family idiocy, but it does not appear from birth, but by the end of the first year of a child's life, in adolescence and even in adulthood.

Reasons for idiocy:

Symptoms of idiocy

In children, the symptoms of idiocy manifest themselves almost immediately. The kid lags far behind in development, does not hold his head well, starts to sit up late, crawl and walk. All his "achievements" are awkward, there is no consistent movement of pens and legs. In addition, the disease is visible on the face, idiocy erases any meaningfulness, leaving sometimes only traces of contentment or an evil grimace. Speech is limited to inarticulate sounds or individual syllables. Having learned them, the patient repeats them incessantly. Like some other movements: for example, shaking your head or trunk. In addition, patients with deep idiots often can not distinguish relatives from strangers. That is why their content is widespread in special institutions (orphanages for the mentally retarded), where children are placed with the consent of their parents.

Even entering adult life, patients need constant supervision, because they can not perform elementary self-service. Some can not even chew on their own. Their emotional life consists of primitive reactions, and in behavior it is impossible to trace any motivation or logical sequence. Some people are always depressed, others have unreasonable outbursts of anger. The instincts prevail. Excessive voracity is common (and patients do not always distinguish edible objects from inedible) or open masturbation.

A deep degree of idiocy is often characterized by the absence of pain sensitivity. Patients do not feel the difference between hot and cold, high and low, dry or wet. Needless to say, without constant supervision, a person can get into trouble: burn himself or, for example, fall from a height.

Treatment of idiocy

Although idiocy refers to incurable diseases, with the help of medications one can alleviate some of the symptoms:

Whatever it was, families who decided to leave the sick child at home should provide him with 24-hour care.