Deviation - what is it in psychology and sociology?

In any society from the primitive to the modern, in any group from the nation to the working collective there are stable rules and norms of behavior. As a rule, these are historically developed scenarios, which allow to avoid negative developments for the members of the group. If some rules are violated, then a deviation occurred.

What is the deviation?

In general, this is the name of any deviation from the norm, but it should be noted that the term "deviation" is in principle a fundamentally different concept in sociology, unlike those adopted in other sciences. As a result, it can become the norm, proving its usefulness, therefore it is necessary to understand as deeply as possible the meaning of this term ..

What is the deviation in psychology?

One can unambiguously answer that deviation is in psychology, as well as sociology, deviations from the norm, but they appear because of a malfunction in the normal functioning of the psyche and are negative, painful states.

Causes of deviation

A common opinion about what is causing a deviation from the norm is not yet available. Some schools emphasize education in a dysfunctional family. In other versions, the causes of deviation lie in problems with the psyche; deviations in biological development or in the structure of DNA. Each of these versions has both advantages and disadvantages. If we talk about criminal inclinations, they are equally exposed to people who have grown up in a full family, and pupils of single-parent families and orphanages.

Signs of deviation

Since the concept of deviation is somewhat different in different sciences, its signs will also be different:

  1. In sociology, deviant behavior is considered to be actions that are not characteristic of the behavior of the greater part of society.
  2. Social psychology considers any deviation from public morality to be a deviation.
  3. Deviation in pedagogy and psychology is a confident behavior that hinders development and self-realization .

The main types of deviation

Variants of deviant behavior are divided into two main groups:

These groups include the following types of deviation.

  1. Asocial . Ignoring the established social foundations.
  2. Delicacy . Deviation, leading to criminal offenses.
  3. Self-destructive . Intentionally causing harm to physical or mental health, including suicide.
  4. Psychopathological . Manifestation of any mental disorders, diseases.
  5. Dissocial . Deviation from all standards of healthy psyche.
  6. Paracaracterological . Negative changes in the character that resulted from improper education.
  • In sociology, any deviation from the generally accepted standards is considered separately and can be both positive and negative.
  • Legal deviation - all actions that violate the rules of law.
  • Pedagogical , still can be called disadaptation. It includes all the difficulties of establishing normal relationships among children.
  • Medical . Behavioral disorders caused by various illnesses or taking drugs.
  • Social deviation

    Basically, the deviance of an action in a society is determined by motivation. That is, the norms of public morality must be violated consciously. Social deviation is the only one that is both positive and negative.

    What are the deviations with the plus sign:

    From this point of view, deviants are:

    1. Great travelers (H. Columbus, N. Miklouho-Maclay, R. Amundsen and others)
    2. Scientists (Giordano Bruno, Maria Curie, S. Korolev, A. Einstein and others)
    3. Spiritual leaders. No matter how seditious this may sound, but with respect to the original religion of the society, the development of Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, etc. was a deviation.
    4. Artists who discovered new genres and acceptable means of artistic expressiveness. For example, Edgar Allan Poe, considered the creator of the modern form of a detective, a thriller and, in many ways, science fiction.
    5. Heroes. Alexander Matrosov, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Maria Barsukova, Sergei Bagaev, and many others.
    6. Fighters for equality.

    Deviations with a minus sign:

    Continue the list of social deviations can be endless, because they largely depend on the structure of the society in question. For example, bigamy is condemned in Christian society and is the norm for Islam. In general, deviations in society are different from the others, which can change, adapt to the needs of the bulk of the population.

    Sexual deviation

    The second name for sexual interests, different from the generally accepted norm is paraphilia. Describe the causes of sexual deviations and give a clear definition of where the norm ends and where the deviation begins in sex, many tried. In DSM-5, Ray Blanchar cited the following definition: "Paraphilia is all kinds of (atypical) intense and persistent sexual interest, with the exception of sexual interest in genital stimulation and preparatory weasels with a phenotypically normal, consonant and sexually mature human subject." The list of "normophilia" (this term means "normal" sexual interest and is used as a counterbalance to paraphilia) according to Blancharu looks like this:

    Examples of paraphilia:

    Almost immediately this definition was subjected to severe criticism. Basically for the ambiguity of some of its components. So Charles Moser found it incorrect to make a definition through what it is not. In addition, he pointed out that the concept of a "phenotypically normal subject" is too vague (for example, it is not clear whether such an object is a woman who has undergone a plastic surgery).

    The sexologist considered incorrect and the manifestation of sexism in the document. So according to the definition of DSM-5, a woman's desire to obey a man in bed is the norm, and the opposite is a deviation. The same is true for the desire to use beautiful underwear. In general, Charles Moser holds the view that the specific boundary between normophilia and paraphilia is due only to cultural and religious norms and from the medical point of view does not exist.

    It should however be separated paraphilia from paraphilic disorder. If the first is only interest in non-standard forms and ways of intimate relationships, then the second is a disease, and it is characterized by the presence of dependence. In practice, it looks like this: if an amateur BDSM can do without him, then it's paraphilia. If satisfaction is possible only within the framework of the BDSM session, this paraphilic disorder.

    Gender Deviations

    This type of deviation from the generally accepted standards causes the most ambiguous reaction in the society. From the moment the baby is born, certain features and a worldview are inculcated, designed to eventually consolidate his sex-role model of behavior and appearance. So girls from the early childhood graft love to dresses, ornaments and a make up. To boys - to strict, sports or paramilitary clothes.

    In the future, these differences in appearance are strengthened by the difference in behavior and priorities. In the event that a woman performs actions that unequivocally relate to the male sex role model or vice versa, this is a gender deviation. Its extreme form is the emergence of a human being as a transvestite or a sex change by a surgical method. Many are inclined to think that these are modern deviations, characteristic only of our time.

    Communicative deviations

    Communicative disorders, that is, violations of communication, are:

    1. Autism . Primary - congenital - manifests itself in early childhood and lasts a lifetime. Secondary - acquired - may appear after being in a stressful situation or as a result of peculiarities of upbringing. These types of deviation are characterized by a conscious desire for solitude, inability to maintain friendly relations and establish contact with strangers.
    2. Flexibility . An antagonist of autism. A person suffering from hyperoperability wants to communicate with as many interlocutors as possible for as short a time as possible, pathologically does not know how to endure loneliness.
    3. Phobias (fears) . It is believed that every person has at least one phobia. Some of them seriously complicate communication. For example ereytofobiya (fear of blushing publicly) or scopophobia (fear of being ridiculous).

    Deviation - sectarianism

    One of the known problems of modern society is the sect. People are forced to go there by various mental deviations. For example, autism, antisocial behavior, etc. From the sects differ sects as follows.

    1. Worship before the spiritual leader (man).
    2. A rigid hierarchical structure. Even if its existence is unknown to ordinary members of the community
    3. The desire to fully control the life of members of the sect.

    Food deviations

    There are two most known types of eating disorders: anorexia and bulimia. It is believed that this is a modern deviation of behavior, but the first case of anorexia was recorded as early as the 17th century.

    1. Anorexia . The desire to prevent an increase in body weight by any means, up to the total refusal of food.
    2. Bulimia . Similar to anorexia, but also includes uncontrolled bouts of overeating.

    Deviation - alcoholism

    Pathological dependence on alcohol, leading in the end to self-destruction. Alcoholics, as a rule, deny the existence of a problem and are sure that they can cope with it at any time. Other personality deviations or physiological features of a person lead to the formation of alcohol dependence .

    Consequences of deviation

    Any deviation is a deviation from the norm. But if it turned out to be positive, favorably affecting society, the violation becomes the norm, and the deviant is a benefactor. Negative deviations usually lead to punishment or public condemnation. In some cases, compulsory treatment is possible.