Do dreams come true?

Sleep is an integral and beautiful part of our life, which is why we are constantly concerned about whether dreams can come true. Scientists have studied this phenomenon for many centuries, but it has not been possible to come to an unambiguous conclusion so far. Nevertheless, in such matters it is always possible to rely on the rich experience of our ancestors.

Can sleep come true?

Of course, from time to time our dreams become reality. Everyone knows the feeling of deja vu, which is based on a recent dream. The most important dreams during the week are those that we see on Saturday night. At this time, we dream of things that worry us the most. However prophetic dreams are not so often, so do not look for subtext in each of their colorful dreams. Serious importance should be given to sleep after it has been repeated three times. As for the popular omen of the dream from Thursday to Friday, then these dreams come true more often than others, no matter how paradoxical it may sound.

Do day dreams come true?

As a rule, dreams that we see in the daytime, come true very rarely, so in most cases, you should not give them any meaning.

Another thing is when the dream is dreaming in the evening, for example, from 8 hours to midnight. These dreams will be realized within the next nine months. As for the dreams that we see between midnight and 3:00, they come true within three months. And finally, dreams, seen from 3 hours before dawn, become reality quite quickly.

Do dreams come true on a full moon?

The dreams seen on the full moon should be given special attention, because most often they become prophetic. The thing is that the moon in the astrological tradition is very closely connected with the soul of a person, with his emotional and psychological states. Therefore, most often the dreams seen on a full moon, characterize your own internal conflicts .