Vitamins in mastopathy

In the female body, everything is interconnected. Deficiency of vitamins in food causes hormonal failure, raging hormones disrupt the work of organs. And those, in turn, react to the negative situation by various diseases, for example, excessive growth of cells. Therefore, the treatment of mastopathy can not do without vitamin therapy.

Vitamin deficiency in mastopathy

Doctors believe that with mastopathy in the body there is a lack of vitamins E , C and A. These elements are extremely necessary to maintain hormonal balance, the functioning of the immune system, they are involved in metabolic processes. Deficiency of these substances must be replenished, taking vitamins in addition to food.

What vitamins to drink with mastopathy?

  1. It is known that tumors in the chest are caused by uncontrolled cell division under the influence of the female hormone estrogen. Vitamin A reduces the mammary gland's reaction to this hormone. Take provitamin A in the form of beta-carotene at a dosage of 50,000 IU for 6 months.
  2. Vitamin E for mastopathy is prescribed for daily intake of 100 mg per day. The course should last at least six months, and better - a year. This antioxidant has a positive effect on metabolism, eliminates manifestations of PMS, activates the hormone progesterone .
  3. Vitamin C enhances the defenses of the body and improves the effect of other antioxidants.

The listed antioxidants can be drunk and separately, but it is better when using mastopathy to use multivitamins that include a balanced composition of all the necessary substances. What vitamins to take with mastopathy, it is better to ask the doctor - the composition of the recommended drugs depends on the type of mastopathy. So, depending on the form of the disease, some women are prescribed Aevit, and another - a multivitamin preparation Vitakan and analogues.

Taking vitamins, you should remember about the danger of overdose: this applies mainly to vitamin A - its excess is extremely harmful, so do not exceed the recommended dose.