Fracture of the jaw

More than 70% of the fractures fall on the lower jaw, and usually because of the horseshoe-shaped jaw they are double or triple. Fractures of the upper jaw are less common, but they are more traumatic and, as a rule, have more severe consequences.

Classification of fractures

Because of the appearance of fractures are divided into traumatic, that is, arisen under the influence of external force, and pathological, which are the consequence of the disease (osteomyelitis, tumors). By type of damage, fractures can be oblique, straight, longitudinal, transverse and fragmental. By the number of fragments, fractures can be single, double, triple and multiple.

Also, fractures of the lower jaw are distinguished at the site of injury. The median is a fracture in the incisors, the lateral in the canines, the angular in the angle of the jaw and the molars, the cervical in the region of the jaw joint.

With the exception of multiple fracture fragments of the lower jaw, the fractures of the upper jaw are considered to be heavier. They are divided into fractures of the alveolar process (part of the jaw in which the teeth are fixed), orbital (fractures passing near the base of the skull or directly below it) and suborbital (passing below the orbit line).

Orbital fractures are in the immediate vicinity of the skull and are therefore the most difficult and difficult to treat.


If the jaw fracture, there is pain syndrome, bone mobility at the fracture site and their displacement, loose teeth, bite change, speech impairment and the ability to chew, strong salivation. Also, there may be swelling, bruising, bruising. With displaced fractures, symmetry of the lower part of the face may be disturbed. An apparent violation of diction is one of the main signs of a fracture of the alveolar process. With complex fractures of the upper jaw, deformity of the face, swelling in the cheekbones, nose and eyes, swelling, possible hemorrhages in the eye area is noted.

First aid for jaw fracture

If the fracture of the lower jaw follows:

  1. Lock the lower jaw with a sling dressing.
  2. In the presence of bleeding, if possible, stop it with a sterile bandage and tampons.
  3. With severe (arterial) bleeding, which can occur with open fractures, try to squeeze the damaged vessel.
  4. Take care that the patient can breathe. To do this, if possible, cleanse the mouth of blood clots or vomit, if there is one, squeeze the tongue, if it sticks and makes breathing difficult
  5. In the absence of open wounds, a cold compress should be applied to the fracture area in order to avoid severe edema.

After this, the patient should be immediately taken to the hospital, and it must be transported exclusively in the sitting position.

Before the fracture of the upper jaw, the same measures are taken, but the patient is transported in a lying position.

Treatment and rehabilitation after fracture

The main difficulties in jaw fractures are due to the fact that it is impossible to provide a broken bone with complete immobility, enclose it in a plaster bandage. But irrespective of whether a surgical procedure is performed to fix bone debris, a wire tire is inserted into the oral cavity or a fixative bandage is applied, chewing abilities of a person are seriously limited. For fractures of the jaw, patients have to observe a liquid diet for a long time. The food used should not exceed the sour cream by consistency and consists mainly of mashed vegetables, cereals, broths, dairy and fermented milk products. The timing of the fracture is different, but not less than a month. Go to solid food after a fracture should be gradually, as when transferring a small child to adult nutrition.

Consequences of fracture

Cosmetic defects include the possible occurrence of facial asymmetry, as well as the fact that fractures often cause tooth loss. In addition, bite is often disturbed, and because of tire application, problems with teeth and gums may appear.