Drops in the nose for babies

Childhood is not a single baby without snot. After all, the common cold is a natural reaction of the body to hypothermia, viruses and infection. Therefore, before buying drops in the nose for infants, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Especially it concerns those cases when the runny nose is accompanied by a cough and a fever.

First aid for a cold

While waiting for the doctor to come, my mother should not waste time, and take appropriate measures.

So, first of all you need to be patient. Cold kids are very moody and anxious, they do not sleep well and eat. Be prepared that a couple of sleepless nights you are provided. But it's not about that.

Improve the child's well-being will help moist and fresh air in the children's room. Check that its temperature does not exceed 22 degrees.

Kids are much less likely to suffer a runny nose than adults: small nasal passages quickly become clogged, as a result of the baby, it can not breathe and eat normally. Therefore, it is advisable to wash the spout before each feeding to remove accumulated mucus. For this you can use, perhaps, the safest drops in the nose for babies - Aquamaris . Admission of this drug is allowed from the very first days after birth, since it includes the usual sterilized sea water. In addition, Aquamaris is used even for daily nasal hygiene. Also, to wash the spout, you can use ordinary saline or any other solution with sea salts.

Further actions and the use of any other drops in the nose for infants should be consistent with the physician.

The most common drugs

Real salvation in those cases when the child is often sick, is in the process of recovery, contacts with patients, will become drops in the nose for babies Derinat.

Derinat promotes the activation of the natural forces of the immune system, improves the metabolism in cells and promotes their renewal. Drops in the nose for babies Derinat are allowed from the first months of the child's life. As a preventive measure during the epidemic, Derinat is dripped into each nasal passage 2-3 times a day. In the treatment of viral and acute respiratory diseases, the dosage is 3-5 drops in each nostril with an interval of one and a half hours.

When the common cold acquires a protracted character, you can not do without vasoconstrictor drugs. These include drops in the nose for babies Vibrocil.

Vibrocil is considered safe for infants, it is prescribed for colds and allergic rhinitis. It is worth noting that the drops do not have a curative effect, but only eliminate the symptoms. The main components of the drug remove the mucosal edema, as a result of normal breathing and improve well-being.

However, you can not abuse Vibrozil, as long-term use can be addictive. Children up to a year should be buried in each nasal passage one drop not more than four times a day. Before use, the nozzle should be rinsed.

Another one not less popular drops in the nose for babies - Otrivin. Otryvin also belongs to the number of vasoconstrictor drugs, characterized by an optimal ratio of price and quality. Do not confuse drops from the common cold Otrivin with a solution of sea salt to clean and moisturize the nasal cavity with the same name.

The vasoconstrictive drops of Otrivin are administered exclusively to children by the doctor, starting at the age of three months. The drug has many contraindications and side effects, when the appearance of which Otrivin must be canceled. The action of these drops from the common cold is aimed at reducing the secretion of fluid and eliminating swelling in the mucous membrane of the baby.