Rhubarb - good and bad

Rhubarb is a perennial plant that has a rich vitamin composition and a lot of nutritious elements. The stem of this plant is used in the preparation of many interesting and useful dishes, and its inedible leaves and root are used in medicine. Rhubarb is an early plant, its beneficial properties are very valuable for the organism, especially in the early spring after a long winter period. Let us consider in more detail useful properties and contraindications to rhubarb for the human body.

The use of rhubarb for the body

Since ancient times, rhubarb used in China as a febrifuge. The stem of this plant contains citric, malic and oxalic-succinic acid. It consists of carotene, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. In the rhubarb there is a substance called chrysarobin, which helps fight against psoriasis. In total one hundred gram of this plant contains a daily norm of vitamin K, and low caloric content (only 16 kcal) allows to include it in a dietary diet.

The use of rhubarb has been repeatedly proven, it is actively used both in medicine and in cooking. The root of this plant has long been accepted as a good laxative. A rhubarb stem is recommended for use in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system. This plant is used as a choleretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. Regular use of rhubarb strengthens the body's immune system, helps in the treatment of anemia, sclerosis, tuberculosis and liver diseases.

Applying Rhubarb

On the basis of rhubarb, some medical preparations are made. In the pharmacy you can buy this plant in the form of powder, tablets or tinctures.

This plant is used for making a large number of interesting and tasty dishes. Of the rhubarb stalk they make a stuffing for pies, it is added to salads, from it compotes, jams and preserves are cooked. The benefit of compote from rhubarb is that this drink tones remarkably well. Jam from this plant has a pleasant apple taste with a slight sourness. The benefits and harm of jam from rhubarb are due to the properties of the original products. Prepare it from the stems of the plant with the addition of sugar.

In Europe rhubarb is often used as a fragrant spice, combining it mainly with fish dishes. The stem of this plant can be eaten both raw and cooked, with rhubarb leaves for food not used, because they contain a high level of oxalic acid, and they have some toxicity. Stems of the plant can be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for a week. To create a stock of rhubarb for a longer period, the sliced ​​and pre-dried stem can be placed in the freezer for the whole winter.

The harm of rhubarb

For the human body, rhubarb can be not only useful, but harmful. To use this plant is better in a limited amount, since the stem contains oxalic acid, which has an adverse effect on the body. If the body temperature rises, the rhubarb is completely removed from the diet . This plant should not be used during pregnancy, as well as people suffering from diabetes, gout, peritonitis, rheumatism, bladder inflammation, bleeding in the intestines and stomach, hemorrhoids and kidney stones. In these cases, the harm from rhubarb will be much more than good. To avoid the appearance of side effects, it is better to abandon its use.