Headache when feeding a child - what to treat?

Most often, a headache in a mother feeding a baby can occur because of an incorrect position of the head and neck for a long time: she just has a muscle spasm. Another reason that can cause a headache is insomnia, physical and emotional fatigue while caring for the baby. Also, the headache causes spasm of the cerebral vessels with migraines or high blood pressure. Depending on the cause of the headache, the methods of its treatment will differ.

Headache and pressure

Before treating the buzzing head, it is worth checking whether the headache is caused when feeding a child with high blood pressure. Since the causes that cause the pressure increase are different (hypertension, kidney disease), you can not try self-treatment and you need to call a doctor.

At normal arterial pressure from preparations from a headache which it is possible to recommend to nursing mother, does not have negative influence on an organism of the child paracetamol, and here analgin to feeding women it is counter-indicative.

Of the other pain medications that are recommended in this case, you can call ibuprofen. But these drugs are contraindicated for ulcer disease, bleeding, renal or hepatic insufficiency, allergies to the drug.

Headache when feeding - can I do without medication?

In a nursing mother, the choice of drugs for headaches is limited because of the possibility of getting them into breast milk. Therefore it is better to use non-medicamentous remedies for headache during feeding. Such measures include:

In the room it is worth to muffle the light and sound, drink a cup of sweet strong tea, take a hot bath for feet or a warm shower. Also, a cold compress on the forehead, temples or the neck to 1 hour, a tight bandage around the head, also relieves the headache.