Stages of child development up to one year

Whether the baby is growing and developing correctly is a question that many moms and dads are interested in. Especially this topic is actual in the infant age, when the crumb does not differ much from its peers. There are certain stages in the development of the child for up to a year, after studying which, it is possible to determine precisely whether it has deviations in the physical or psycho-emotional terms.

Stages of child development up to a year by months

The main criteria for what you should pay attention to when assessing the development of the carapace are physical skills and movements, spoken language (sounds) and emotions. The child's mental development from birth to the year is as follows:

  1. 1 month: trying to smile when communicating with familiar adults; can not long to look at the object he likes.
  2. 2 months: consciously responds with a smile to Mom's smile; begins to walk; For a long time he keeps his eyes on the toy, even if it moves from side to side.
  3. 3 months: animated at the sight of an adult, which is manifested by active movements of hands, feet and a smile; tries to turn his head toward the sound; smoothly guzzles.
  4. 4 months: when communicating with an adult's carapace, guard first arises; the baby recognizes Mom and Dad and distinguishes them from other people; loudly laughing loudly; a long time walking.
  5. 5 months: can cry, when my mother suddenly leaves; distinguishes gentle tone from strict; for a long time it's buzzing.
  6. 6 months: when a crumb is picked up, it ceases to cry; tries to pronounce individual syllables (babble).
  7. 7 months: perfectly distinguishes familiar and unfamiliar people; when an alien tries to contact a child, it can cry; he babbles for a long time.
  8. 8 months: begins to understand the name of the objects and look for them with a look; repeatedly utters the same syllables.
  9. 9 months: responds to his own name; at the request of adults, searches for an object and points to it; performs simple gestures with his hands (good-bye, give, etc.); continues to babble.
  10. 10 months: upon request, he gives familiar items; shows body parts; imitates adults, trying to pronounce words.
  11. 11 months: understands the ban; begins to purposefully speak simple words, pointing at the subject.
  12. 12 months: fulfills small requirements: go (crawl), give something, etc .; begins to imitate adults not only verbally, but also physically.

Physically crumbs are also very active. In the first year of life he overcomes a long way, which in the future will not be able to repeat any year of his life. For convenience, the stages of a child's physical development from birth to the year are shown in graphical form.

For the first 12 months of life the kid has time to learn a lot. Stages of development of a child under 1 year should not be taken literally and upset if the crumb still does not know how. It is always worth remembering that all children are individual, and they can develop a little differently.