Duties of the young pope

In modern society, joint births and training of both parents for the birth of a baby are increasingly practiced. This is not just a fashionable trend, but a completely natural and necessary process. How often there are cases when the child becomes the main in the house and the young mother ceases to notice her husband, and the young father himself is completely shielded from his family.

Daddy's responsibilities are mother's care

To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand that no young man can ever become a responsible and good father, if this is not allowed to him. When a woman gives in to instinct and refuses to accept help from her relatives in caring for a child, this leads to the fact that the once united world is divided into two autonomous.

So a woman should not just require her husband to be a worthy father, but also help him become such. In turn, the first and foremost duty of a man was always to love his wife and take care of her. Only a beloved and emotionally balanced spouse can become a full-fledged mother.

Some young dads completely refuse to take part in the care of the baby for several quite understandable reasons:

Papa can, dad can

If the woman initially did everything right, the spouse will not feel strong difficulties and will learn to help with the child without problems. It is the help of the baby's daddy that greatly contributes to harmony in the family, it's not just a few minutes for the mother, but also an opportunity to get to know the baby. The duties of the young pope are not so many things, but they will also have to learn how to cope.

  1. Have an idea of ​​the main points in the care of the child. It happens that the mother needs to be absent for a while or a large influx of domestic matters can not be postponed. A husband should be able not only to give a drink or feed a crumb. Elementary diaper change or changing clothes, easy tummy massage , simple gymnastics should not be difficult for him.
  2. Be familiar with your child's medical record. As a rule, the first round with the baby in the clinic is made by mother and grandmother. As a result, some popes do not even know the blood group of their child or gain weight in six months. In life, the most unforeseen situations occur and both parents should be aware of all the important points of the medical chart of their child (intolerance or allergy to certain drugs, possible innate features of the body or disease).
  3. To support his wife in the first six months after childbirth is very difficult, but it is necessary to do it. Women often suffer from depression and begin to break down on their loved ones. The inferiority complex and some changes in appearance are a test for both parents. Constant emotional strokes and support are very important.
  4. Even if the life before the birth of crumbs was exclusively a woman's business, now the spouse will have to take on some of the business. No one asks for the full replacement of his wife in the kitchen or for general cleaning every day. But feeding and night sickness testing is still something, and a woman needs help.
  5. Dads may well take part of walks with the baby, when he is fed and calm, a joint pastime on the air will benefit both.

Agree that the requirements are not so strict. It is enough to discuss this with the husband before the birth of the baby and prepare it. Then the spouse will take it for granted and without persuasion will begin to take an active part in replacing diapers and washing the sliders.