Sperm motility

Such parameter as mobility of spermatozoa, at carrying out of spermogramme has not last value. Thus, by physiological studies it was found that the rate of movement of male sex cells depends on the success of fertilization. As you know, the matureest ovum reaches the fastest sperm. Let's take a closer look at this parameter and tell you how to increase the mobility of spermatozoa and what it generally depends on.

How fast do male sex cells move?

Before to name the factors influencing motility of spermatozoids, we name their average speed of movement.

Thus, according to studies, on average, male sex cells move at a rate of 3 mm per minute. It should be noted that this parameter directly depends on the environment in which the sperm is located and what is the direction of its movement. If he will move strictly in a straight line, then within a minute can overcome and 30 mm.

However, with the advancement of the reproductive system of the female body, the male sex cells encounter a mass of obstacles on the way to the egg. The main of these can be called the fact that the normal environment of the vagina has an acid reaction. And, as you know, the acid negatively affects the cell membranes. In part, this fact also explains the moment that for the process of conception such a parameter as mobility plays a significant role.

According to statistical data, only 30-35% of all spermatozoa have a mobility corresponding to the norm.

What determines the speed of movement of sperm?

There are many factors that have a direct effect on this parameter. Some of them have not yet been identified. However, of the most common reasons that spermatozoa have low mobility, we can name:

How to increase sperm motility?

This question is of interest to many men who, after undergoing an analysis of sperm motility (spermogram), receive an inappropriate result. First of all, it must be said that any actions should be coordinated with the doctor.

The best result is the use of special medications. Among those can be called and multivitamin complexes, which must necessarily contain vitamins C, E. Also not without the use of tablets that can improve regional blood flow. Among those can be identified Trental, Actovegin.

Separately it is necessary to say about the hormonal preparations used to increase the mobility of spermatozoa. Use both testosterone drugs - Proviron, Adriol, and gonadotropins - Menogon, Pergonal.

Also often prescribed and the drug Spemann. Due to its effect on the reproductive system of men, the viscosity of the ejaculate decreases, the process of spermatogenesis is stimulated, and the mobility of the male sex cells increases.

In order to increase the mobility of spermatozoa, you can use products that increase this parameter. Among these, you should mention green peas, asparagus, strawberries, tomatoes.

Thus, it should be noted that increasing the mobility of spermatozoa involves a comprehensive approach, which must necessarily be controlled by physicians.