Progesterone deficiency

The woman's organism is a very complex system, and the slightest failure in its functioning leads to great problems. All processes occurring in the genitals are regulated by hormones. And very often the inability to conceive a child is associated with a hormonal imbalance . Most of all, the onset of pregnancy is affected by the shortage of progesterone in women. It is this hormone that prepares the uterus for the adoption of a fertilized egg.

Especially dangerous for women is the shortage of progesterone in pregnancy. This condition can cause the inability to bear the child and miscarriage. Insufficient production of this hormone leads also to the lack of menstruation and infertility. In order to notice the shortage of progesterone in time, you need to know how this condition manifests itself. Then you can consult a doctor and conduct a blood test.

Signs of a shortage of progesterone

Pay attention to such symptoms:

Of course, these symptoms of a lack of progesterone are not accurate, and to confirm the diagnosis it is necessary to take a blood test. More often it is done after ovulation. His blood level in women is not the same throughout the cycle and grows in the second half. It is then that you can determine whether enough progesterone for the onset and normal course of pregnancy. And with an irregular cycle, you have to do the analysis several times.

Treatment of a shortage of progesterone should be done under the supervision of a doctor. Most often, special hormonal drugs and injections of the hormone itself are prescribed. But this is not enough, a woman needs to adjust her way of life and nutrition.

What should you do if you have a deficiency of progesterone?

Change the way of life, and for this: