Puncture of follicles

The diagnosis of infertility is most often not final. There are many ways to solve this problem. One of the most effective - IVF, during which the puncture of the follicles is taken.

About the procedure

The essence of the transvaginal puncture of the follicles lies in the collection of eggs from the female ovaries for their subsequent fertilization under artificial conditions. Puncture of the ovaries is performed by a thin needle that is inserted into the vagina and monitored by an ultrasound transducer.

On how the puncture of the follicles passes, you should tell at the stage of delivery of all the relevant tests for IVF . The choice of method of fertilization depends on the features of the diagnosis that was given to you, but, as a rule, the procedure of puncture does not change.

The procedure takes about 10-15 minutes. Since a woman can experience quite painful sensations, puncture of follicles without anesthesia is not carried out. In this case, local anesthesia is often used, considering that general anesthesia can affect the quality of biological material (egg cells). The type of anesthesia should also be discussed with your doctor in advance.

Preparing for the procedure

Many women complain that after the puncture of the follicles, the abdomen hurts. In order to exclude such a phenomenon, other possible complications and increase the probability of a successful IVF result, the procedure should be prepared in advance.

In order to avoid bloating after a puncture of the follicles, it is necessary, if possible, not to eat or drink 4-6 hours before the procedure. For several months it is recommended to give up alcohol and smoking. In addition, it is worth discussing with the supervising physician a list of medications that can or should be taken for successful IVF.

Among the additional recommendations:

Recovery after a puncture

The state of health after puncture of the follicles, as a rule, is normal. A few more hours a woman is under the supervision of an anesthesiologist, after which she can go home. There are also no special recommendations regarding nutrition after puncture of the follicles. The same applies to drinks. However, as with normal conception, it is recommended to give up alcohol and harmful foods: fatty, acute.

A normal phenomenon after puncture of the follicles is considered a small discharge, pulling the pain in the lower abdomen and dizziness. All these symptoms should disappear in the first day after the procedure. If you have fever after a puncture of the follicles or you observe abundant spotting in the next 24 hours, seek medical help immediately.

Complications after puncture of follicles

The complexity of the procedure is that the ovaries are surrounded by large blood vessels, so one of the most common complications after a puncture is bleeding. As a rule, such a problem can be solved by modern, gentle methods, but in some cases surgical intervention is required. Among the possible negative consequences of the procedure, physicians also note trauma and infection of the pelvic organs.

In the practice of puncture of the follicles, rare cases have been described which were accompanied by:

In order to puncture the follicles was successful, strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor in charge. Also, it is worthwhile to carefully approach the choice of a medical institution, because in order to carry out artificial insemination and this procedure, in particular, modern equipment and high qualification of physicians are needed.