Low progesterone

All known hormone progesterone in another way is called the hormone of pregnancy. It is this hormone that is synthesized by the yellow body. If at this time conception did not occur, then it dies after 14 days, after which the menstrual periods begin.

During a normal current pregnancy, progesterone is produced by the yellow body until 16 weeks, that is until the placenta is completely formed, which will produce hormones independently.

Progesterone is involved in the direct preparation of uterine tissues for implantation of the ovum, which may not occur at a low level in the blood of women.

Influence on the body

Progesterone affects the entire female body, as well as the state of the nervous system of the pregnant woman, preparing it for future motherhood. In addition, it reduces the activity of muscle contractions in the uterine musculature, which reduces the probability of rejection of the fetal egg in pregnant women.

Also, progesterone stimulates the normal development of the mammary glands, more precisely those of their departments that are responsible for the production of milk.

Signs of a lack of progesterone

Women after receiving the result of analysis for hormones in most cases do not know why in their body, progesterone is at a low level. Thus, the following symptoms may indirectly indicate a low level of progesterone:

A low level of this hormone can be the result of taking certain medications. In addition to all of the above problems associated with the conception of pregnancy, as well as miscarriage at a period of 7-8 weeks, are also indirect signs that in the body of a woman, progesterone is synthesized in insufficient volume.

Progesterone and pregnancy

As a rule, pregnancy with a low content of progesterone in the blood, occurs rarely. If, nevertheless, it has arisen, the low level of progesterone in the course of current pregnancy can cause its interruption - miscarriage. This is because the uterus begins to contract prematurely, which leads to rejection of the fetal egg. In such situations, the only way out is to increase the concentration of the hormone in the blood. This is why a pregnancy with a low level of progesterone is almost impossible.


Treatment with a low level of progesterone is a long and complex process. Before taking self-treatment and increasing the low content of progesterone in the blood, a woman should always consult a doctor. The main method of treating this pathology is the intake of hormonal drugs, which are prescribed by the doctor and are applied in strict accordance with his recommendations.

However, the woman herself is able to influence the level of progesterone in her blood. For this, first of all, it is necessary to revise the schedule of your day. Sleep should be at least 8 hours a day. A good influence on the state of a woman has walks in the fresh air.

Increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood is promoted by eating foods that in their composition contain high concentrations of vitamin E - tocopherol acetate. This vitamin can be consumed in the form of tablets. To apply them it is necessary for 2 weeks, and it is best in the 2 half of the menstrual cycle.

All these methods contribute to the increase of the hormone progesterone in the blood, resulting in a long-awaited pregnancy.