How to dry fish?

We all like to listen to funny jokes about fishing. But the big catch for the wife of the inveterate fisherman has always been the occasion of long torment: where to put so much fish? If you can not figure out where to get the fish caught, try to prepare it for future use. The simplest and most common method is drying. How to salt and dry fish, usually known to all members of the fisherman's family with experience.

How to dry fish at home?

The most suitable for drying is a fish weighing up to a kilogram. It is best to dry river fish, since it is of medium fat content. It should be thoroughly washed and cleaned. In this case, scales should be left. A small fish is cleaned from the belly, while a large fish is made with a large incision on the back from the head and to the tail.

First, the fish should be properly salted and then dried. The ambassador before drying is necessary for drawing from a fish of an excess moisture. To do this, you should take salt only coarse grinding: it immediately dissolves in the fish and absorbs excess moisture. In a small pelvis you need to lay out layers of fish and salt, the top layer should be made of salt. Salt should completely cover the fish. It is possible to add to the taste between the layers a little bay leaf. Before drying the fish, you need to keep it in this bowl under the yoke for several days. The pelvis needs to be put in a cool place. Now you need to check if the fish is ready to dry. To do this, carefully look at the color of the meat: it should be gray. Now take the fish and pull it, taking it by the head and tail: a characteristic creak indicates the readiness of the fish.

Now you can get rid of excess mucus and spices. How long does it take to soak the fish before drying it? As much as how much time you spent on pickling. When the fish pops up, you can talk about its readiness. Now it is necessary to pull it out and thoroughly wipe with a dry towel. In order that the fish do not start with maggots, treat it with unrefined sunflower oil or a solution of vinegar.

Ready to dry fish thread on the thread or wire, most often the lower lip or through the eye. When you hang the fish, cover it with gauze, as it will be exposed to the external environment. How long does it take to dry fish? As a rule, in the air, the fish is dried in a week.

Dried-dried fish is stored in the refrigerator well-packed. It is best to place it in a plastic bag or parchment paper so that it does not damp. Small fish fishermen often grind into fishmeal and add to the ear or other fish dishes.