Ras Dashen

The highest point of Ethiopia is Mount Ras Dashen (Ras Dashen). You can get to the top only through the territory of the National Park Syumen , which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so at the same time you will visit 2 places of interest .

General information

The rock is in the northern part of the Ethiopian Highlands, near the town of Gondar . Its height reaches 4550 m above sea level. Measurements were made using modern equipment in 2005. Prior to this, it was believed that the top is located at a distance of 4620 m.

Ras-Dashen was formed several thousand years ago as a result of the eruption of a giant volcano . In the northern part of the mountain there are numerous caves and gorges. In the old days glaciers covered the top, but as a result of global warming a small amount of snow can be seen only at the peak and surrounding area.

Climbing the Ras Dashen

The first conquerors of the mountain are French officers named Galinier and Ferre. They made the ascent in 1841. Whether the locals have climbed up to this time is unknown, since no documents on this matter have been found. Aborigines believed that evil spirits inhabited the rock, so they avoided it.

Subsequently, the Ras-Dashen peak became popular among fans of ecotourism, mountaineering and tracking. In order to climb to the highest point of Ethiopia, special training will not be required. The mountain has rather gentle slopes, so climbing takes place without professional equipment ("cats" and insurance).

However, lifting can be tiring for people who are not used to physical exertion. The paths leading to the summit of Ras-Dashen pass along the very edge of steep gorges. During a trip in the air, there may be a pillar of dust falling into the eyes, mouth and nose. Also, mountain climbers are exhausted by height differences, so you will need to more often do halts, so that the body can acclimatize.

What to see during the climb?

The Ras Dashen Mountain is not part of the national park , but the road to its summit passes through a protected area. During the ascent, climbers can see:

  1. Unearthly landscapes that resemble scenes from fiction movies. Mountain peaks here alternate with picturesque valleys and rugged gorges, and alpine meadows are replaced by eucalyptus groves.
  2. A variety of animals, for example, rats, local goats and herd of baboons of Gelad. These are rare species of monkeys that live in a cold mountainous area. At night here there are hyenas, which can climb into the camp of tourists and steal food.
  3. Small settlements where aborigines live. They are considered part of the national park, therefore, according to Ethiopian laws, tourists are forbidden to interact with them. You can not treat local children with sweets, give them a gift or provide medical assistance. This process is followed by armed scouts.
  4. An ancient orthodox church . You can go to church only barefoot. During the chanting, locals use a drum, and they are baptized from left to right.

Features of visit

Rising to the top of the Ras-Dashen mountain is best from September to December. At the entrance to the national park you can hire an English-speaking guide, a cook and an armed scout who will guard you from wild animals and robbers. For carrying heavy things, you will be offered to rent cargo mules. The cost of admission is $ 3.5.

During the trip, tourists stop at the campsites. Some of them have showers, toilets and even a shop. The food will have to be cooked at the stake.

How to get there?

From the city ​​of Gondar to the entrance to the National Park of Symen you can reach by car on the road number 30. The distance is about 150 km.