Photo kissing kittens near the Christmas tree blew the Internet!

The spirit of the New Year, Christmas and love is already in the air ...

The photo of two kissing kittens near the New Year tree, when it appeared in the social network, literally "blew up" the English-speaking part of the World Wide Web and gathered a record number of posts, such as "It made my day!" Or "It's so touching that I'm crying!"

Well, if the spirit of the New Year, Christmas and love is already in the air, let's enjoy each of its manifestations!

A cute kittens, kissing near the green beauty - it's 6-month-old Louis and the Moon.

They live together with their masters James and Lauren from 10 weeks of age in the city of Ocala, Florida (USA).

"Since my friend brought Louis and Luna into the house, they were inseparable - James shares his emotions," Yes, they always do everything together! They sleep, eat and tear my Christmas tree, as one! "

When James published a photo of kissing Louis and the Moon near the Christmas tree on his social networking page Twitter with the signature "Love in the Air", he could not think of such an unprecedented frenzy:

"It is amazing! Many people just fell in love with them and showered me with millions of words of gratitude. Well, I like to make people happy and I'm glad that pictures of my kittens give such emotions! "

What do you think? Love is in the air?