Activated charcoal in breastfeeding

Lactation is a period not less responsible than pregnancy. After giving birth, moms are also worried about the use of medication, because it is known that not all of them can be consumed by nursing. So, often the question arises whether activated charcoal can be breastfed, and if so, what are the characteristics of its use.

Indications for prescribing the drug

It is necessary to understand that the main effect of the remedy is the ability to absorb harmful substances, including toxins, allergens, and help to remove them from the body. This enterosorbent is not absorbed into the blood, and therefore it acts solely in the intestine, because specialists allow the use of activated charcoal during breastfeeding. The doctor can prescribe it if the woman has one of the following conditions:

Contraindications and side effects

The answer to the question whether activated charcoal can be fed while breastfeeding is positive. But at the same time, specialists always remind you of contraindications to the use of the drug. Do not use the drug to women who have an ulcer or have a reason to assume bleeding in the digestive system.

Care should be taken to the enterosorbent and those mothers who are forced to take other medicines. Uncontrolled use of the drug may cause hypovitaminosis , lead to constipation and reduced immunity. This is due to the fact that together with toxins, coal removes valuable substances from the body.

Dosage of activated charcoal in breastfeeding

It is easy to avoid side effects, for this, before using the drug, one should consult a specialist. It is also important to adhere to the recommended dosages:

When poisoning should take 20-30 g of coal, it is better to dissolve this amount in a glass of water. If the product is available in tablets, they must be ground before preparing the solution. For convenience, you can buy a sorbent in the form of a powder, then you will not need to waste time preparing.

When flatulence and other disorders use 1-2 g of the drug after a meal for a week.

But it is better to determine the tactics of treatment with the doctor, based on the characteristics of the condition of the nursing woman.