When do cats have their teeth changed?

Many are interested in how much the cat has teeth and whether the teeth change in the cats.

Cubs are born without teeth. Then on 2-4 week there are incisors. Fangs appear second. This happens on 3-4 weeks. The last break through the premolars. In total, the kitten grows 26 teeth.

Change of teeth in cats

When the teeth of the cats change, we do not notice the symptoms of the changes. By the age of six months, baby teeth fall out and permanent teeth grow in their place. At this time, it is very important to monitor the condition of the oral cavity of the cat. If the baby teeth are loosened, they are removed, as the crowding of teeth in the mouth leads to an incorrect bite. There are injuries of soft tissues of the mouth, periodontitis. The stones begin to be deposited on the teeth. First, stones in the form of a yellowish rim, and then, if not removed, they are an obstacle to food intake. Milky teeth replace 30 permanent teeth. Change of teeth is completed by the 7th month. On each side of the cat grows 6 incisors, 2 canines, 5 premolars and 2 molars each.

During the change of teeth, it is impossible to vaccinate cats .

2 times a year it is advisable that the oral cavity of your pet is inspected by a dentist. Time spent reorganization of an oral cavity prevents occurrence of diseases. Problems with teeth in a cat arise from improper feeding due to the lack of roughage. Cats need to give meat in large pieces, dry food . If you notice that the cat is eating one side of the mouth or it has a lot of saliva, there is an unpleasant smell or bleeding gums, these are signs of oral disease, which means that it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinary clinic. Treatment of an animal in a veterinary clinic is performed under general anesthesia. The doctor removes stones, treats the detected diseases, such as stomatitis, caries, pulpitis and others.