Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry will spend Valentine's Day in each other's company

The spark that lit at the Golden Globe party between Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry flared up in a hot flame. Stars go on dates and hold hands! Yesterday the paparazzi captured a couple during a romantic in Los Angeles.

Rumors about not friendly feelings

About the possible romance between Bloom and Perry in the press began to speak after the Golden Globe ceremony, they openly flirted, they were embarrassed and tried to please each other.

However, the incredulous Hollywood tusovka, for the sake of the gossips, was not in a hurry with the conclusions, speaking about the PR and friendly sympathy of the actor and singer.

The initial stage of relations

As it turned out, after a pleasant conversation at the film awards, Orlando and Cathy continue to communicate, but do not rush with intim, said the insider.

Bloom is delighted with Pary and intends to win her heart, the actor's friend reported.

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Another Date

Ubiquitous reporters caught celebrities near the restaurant Sunset Tower, located in Los Angeles. They together approached the building in an Orlando car. The actor and the singer held hands. As gallant cavalier, Bloom opened the door to the lady of the heart and tried to surround him with care and attention.

In addition to photos of the paparazzi, the fact of a couple meeting can be confirmed by actor Jason Bateman. Lovers met him at the entrance and had a nice chat with a common acquaintance.

Let's add, and Bloom, and Cathy for a long time did not dare to make serious relationships after unsuccessful marriages. The singer was married to Russell Brand, and the actor was married to Miranda Kerr.